Global Heart for Oneness Meditation & Invocation

April 29, 2013

From I to We to ONE
(Beginning May 1, 2013)

Global Heart Oneness Project

From “I” to “We” to “One”

From the point of Light
within the mind of Oneness,
Let Light stream forth into our minds;
Let Light descend on Earth.

From the point of Love
within the heart of Oneness,
Let Love stream forth into our hearts;
May Love increase on Earth.

From the center where
the will of Oneness is known,
Let purpose guide our wills;
The purpose which the Holy Ones know and serve.

From the center
which we call humanity,
Let the Plan of Love and Light work out,
And may it transform darkness into light.

Let Light, Love, and Unity heal our world.
Let Light, Love, and Unity awaken humanity.
Let Light, Love, and Unity cultivate peace and harmony on Earth.

(Inspired by “The Great Invocation”)

“Every generation must be free to remake the world anew” (Thomas Paine).

We can do this individually, but working together, we can become “The Power of Oneness,” transcending the limits of time as we propel positive changes into our own lives and into the lives of all of creation on Earth. YOU are needed to remake the world anew.

Children of the Earth has developed a plan to bring together interested Spirit Ambassadors for the intention of group meditations and energy work which will provide the opportunity to become, as one, the change we wish to see in the world.

Let us know if you are inspired to participate in moving from I to We to ONE. We will be starting with the following simple, basic daily meditation (concluding with the adapted Great Invocation – World Oneness Prayer) and will move on from there. Don’t miss this opportunity to be a part of Children of the Earth’s synthesized, creative energy to heal the Earth, to awaken humanity, and to restore the light, love, and unity of the Oneness.  Not only can you make a difference, YOU are the difference.


Short Form 5-15 minutes

1.  Find a quiet, comfortable place to sit (where you will not be disturbed), and use it daily.  It is best to meditate at the same time each day, when possible. Place some favorite objects around you or even light a candle.

2.  Take 3 deep breaths in as you imagine yourself filled with love and light.  Each time you exhale, see your mind clearing, your body letting go of all tensions or stress, and your emotions clam and serene.

3. Vocalize OM 3 times (the Universal sound of the ages and the link of the many Great Souls). As you do this, experience yourself as a soul of eternity with a personality that has emerged from this life-time.

4.  In your mind’s eye, start to link with your dear friends around the planet who are working with you and holding the great potential for COE to be a  birthing place for your inner, deep conversations and transformation.

5.  Spend a few minutes reflecting on the current seed thought: 
Compassion, joy, and gratitude form the true basis of Oneness.

6. Say the ADAPTED GREAT INVOCATION either aloud or to yourself.

7. Then sound the OM 3 times to link this into the great sea of consciousness.

8. Allow the energy to drip down into you for a short while .and then silently say Peace, Peace, Peace or Shanti, Shanti, Shanti. 

Keep a small journal of each day. See where this takes you. Write down in your spiritual diary, any thought, clarity, inspirations, images, symbols, etc. that you had during this meditation. You may be inspired to write poetry or to create art or music. Date these and be ready to share with the group when we meet online.

Seed thoughts:  Once comfortable with this meditation, we will take one concise thought from the book Twelve Steps to Compassion (by Karen Armstrong) each month as our seed thought. A seed thought is an idea on which to concentrate and often inspires and gives answers for your life, leading you to engage in service for the planet.

For more information, contact:,,

Phase I: The Oneness Project

COE is convening 12 master level youth Spirit-Ambassadors: COE alumni who have known each other throughout many years. They have agreed to unite daily in meditation with COE elders. All regions of the world are represented including Ghana, Israel, Nepal, Pakistan, South Africa, United Kingdom, Canada, United States, Romania, Nigeria, Australia, Korea and Japan.

Each of the participants has practiced diverse types of meditation, but this will be a specific process adapted by and for them. They will journal their experiences and shall be interviewed regularly. Their reflections will be posted on the COEWORLD website and on social media to promote the movement and inspire others to join. As more youth join the project, the 12 lead youth will become mentors to new members, causing a ripple effect in youth consciousness to flow. COEʼs role is to synthesize this creative energy and to allow the love, light and unity of the youth move- ment to heal the Earth, awaken humanity and to build sustainable world peace through Oneness.

Phase II: Global Heart Campaign

The Spirit-Ambassadors Oneness project will become the heart for COEʼs long time dream for an interactive website to help grow the spiritual youth consciousness movement. This open-sourced website,, is to connect the planetʼs youth in mind and heart. The world-wide-web has united the world through the global mind, and COE believes itʼs time to build the global heart.

The Platform will offer modules, seminars and tutorials to foster the idea of the inter-connectivity of all people, all life. The site will promote and teach youth to foster the ability to learn from each other, practice various types of meditative forms together, and to have adult mentors to further their knowledge base of spirituality and science intersections. It will be a spiritual home online for all youth. Mentors from a variety of traditions will share and facilitate teachings grounded in accountability and reverence for all living things. International spiritual thought leaders and social activists will be featured in articles, interviews and live webinars. A section will be offered on social projects rooted in the principles of spirituality and unity consciousness. It will bring awareness and potential funders to assist SpiritYouth programs.

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