Pray It Forward

Pray It Forward

These are simple cards that youth have created to remind us to connect to our heart, to each other, to the Earth and to the Universal consciousness on a daily basis, then to pass on so others will remember to do this too!

Prayer means many different things to different people. Let’s look at what prayer means to some of us.

“Prayer to me is when one goes deep sea diving with the thoughts. Prayer is a heightened awareness that there is a greater force out there and that we are having a ‘conversation’ with that force or God or the Universe”…… Colin Lee of Australia

“Prayer can be from any tradition and faith. Its purpose may be different in all the different religions and spiritual traditions. A common significance is that it connects us to the Divinity and Higher Self and shows our recognition of it. Prayer is a profound practice that affirms our spirituality. It has been considered one of the ways of raising our vibration thus establishing a link with the Universal Consciousness”.....Corina Simon of Romania

"Pray is the Language of the Heart"....Anonymous

Why is Prayer Important?

Prayer is simply taking time to connect with our hearts and quiet our minds. There are countless different ways to pray and meditate, there is no ‘right way’ just the way that works best for you! When we take time daily to quiet our minds and connect with our hearts we start to feel a peace that comes with practice, a peace that is integral to the deeper parts of ourselves. Throughout the many different spiritual traditions from all over the world there is a common understanding that sustained daily practice of prayer or meditation leads to experiences of ‘Oneness’. This ‘Oneness refers to a deep connection between all of existence on Earth and throughout the Universe. This is not only a belief of spiritual traditions, quantum physics affirms this reality! Prayer helps us to connect to that integral worldview, to see ourselves not as separate from the wonders of creation but a part of the miracle. As this awareness grows in us we can more easily ascertain our personal life paths and purpose, how we can best serve this beautiful and desperately wounded world that we live in today.

To see scientific background on how prayer and positive thinking influences us and our environment click here.

Alkaline Water Crystal
Alkaline Water Crystal

Joy Water Crystal
Joy Water Crystal

Emoto Lake Biwa
Emoto Lake Biwa

Polluted Water
Polluted Water

For examples of different prayers and meditations of various traditions, click here.

Our feelings, thoughts and emotions affect the world around us and the people with whom we interact. Imagine the difference that will arise in you, taking time to balance your emotions, and connect more deeply to gratitude and love through dailiy practice.  Consider taking time every day even if is just a few minutes in the morning or before going to bed to pray, meditate and connect to your heart.

  • You can keep this card as a reminder for yourself
  • Pass it to friends and people you care about
  • or if you feel it in your heart leave it as a surprise for a stranger (ex: car window screen, house door, post box)

As the cards will go around the world, more people with join in prayer helping raise the collective consciousness of humanity and heal our environment.
To read more about the power of thought please click here.

And don't forget to ...


We also encourage creative young people to submit your ideas for Pray it forward cards by sending your templates to us at