Children of the Earth Blog

Saskia Troy

Within the past years Ban Ki Moon (Secretary-General of the United Nations) has been stressing many times the role of education as the most powerful weapon in building peace across nations. According to the principles of the Earth Charter Initiative and the UN’s Human Rights Declaration in order to integrate into formal education and life-long learning the knowledge, values, and skills needed for a sustainable...

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Nina Meyerhof


“Many individuals and groups have been to Auschwitz to heal old wounds. We had come instead to start a Culture of Love…to call in the souls of the past to   move beyond the heaviness into a sanctuary of supporting the evolution of consciousness for the new paradigm shift.”
   - Nina Meyerhof, President and Founder of Children of the...

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Nina Meyerhof

 “It is the heart that knows no boundaries nor ego gratification thus knows  no violence and remains open to love. Love is PEACE.”

- Dr. Nina Meyerhof, Founder and President of Children of the Earth

Take a moment to savor the words and inner musings of “Mama” Nina Meyerhof, Founder and President of Children of the Earth, as she discusses Peace.

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Saskia Troy

“An astounding number of children are ill fed, ill clad, badly treated and also illiterate and needlessly ill. Millions perish every week from diseases that could be completely eliminated, or at least prevented from killing with abandon. Depending on where they are born children can have the means and facilities for great prosperity or face the likelihood of desperately deprived lives (Amartya Sen, 2006)”....

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Saskia Troy

Saskia Troy is a business economist, philosopher and spiritual activist that aims to reclaim the philanthropic basis of capitalism. She has been dedicated to developing education and training for learning about sustainable system dynamics within economics. Currently, as the Chapter Leader of Children of the Earth Netherlands she intends to focus on the teaching of sustainability within the Dutch educational...

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Lucy Thomas
Questions from Inspired Times to the organizers of the Belong project, Children of the Earth Scotland

Could you explain how Children of the Earth Scotland came about and when it was set up etc.

Our chairperson, Gavin Morgan met the founder of COE WORLD, Nina Meyerhof and she invited him to set up a Scottish Hub of Children of the Earth.  Gavin and i have often said we'd like to...

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Oran Cohen
Oran Cohen

Imagine, if you will, a wave, a movement of youth who walk this planet and feel a deep urge to change it. This wave of consciousness is made up of individuals from every corner and every faith of Mother Earth. They live with a certain sense of reverence, respect, and love for all sentient beings that transcends the boundaries of countries, cultures and traditions.  They feel, somehow, that they have a...

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Nina Meyerhof - Founder, Children of the Earth
Nina Meyerhof

It is time we consider that we, as EARTH’s occupants, must live in harmony and balance with equity for all. The movement of Occupy Wall Street, Arab Spring, and all the others uprisings are now the call for humanity to go beyond what systems exist and topple the old institutions and have them follow human’s needs. These needs once seen as an aspect of dominance now are a call to realign and circle the earth as...

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