Spirit Youth

Welcome to the Spirit Youth!
A Movement created by Youth for Youth
COE was invited to attend the World Spirit Forum in Arosa, Switzerland in 2005. During this event COE’s founder brought together a group of youth who strived to deepen their inner spiritual lives in communion with others. They shared a passionate belief in the need for an organized movement, which led to the formation of the World Spirit Youth Council (WSYC).
WSYC members have been holding gatherings worldwide to inspire each other to work toward deepening their spiritual consciousness and commit to inner and outer transformation towards a more peaceful and harmonious society.
The WSYC believes that we are all one universal family. Members of WSYC stand up for their highest values and take action to create a better world. The council stands as a symbol of power, unity and the sharing of responsibility for our planet and all its sentient beings.
Our generation is looking for answers to questions of existence, ways of understanding our spiritual heritage as well as discovering our purpose in life. WSYC believes it is our responsibility to find sustainable solutions to current problems and discovering new ways of living that are in accordance to humanity’s highest ethics and values and in harmony with creation as a whole.
It was the members of the WSYC that started the Spirit Youth Hubs in their communities. Today it is not only members of WSYC that are starting Hubs; it is anyone who is interested in spiritual transformation to bring about effective peacebuilding in the world. We look forward to you being part of this movement!
What is a Spirit Youth Hub?
An SY Hub is a regional meeting point where we gather and learn to regenerate and foster our spirituality. We connect, inspire and learn from the collective spiritual wisdom that exists within ourselves, our peers and local wisdom sources. SY Hubs have three main focuses: Connection, Reflection, and Action.
Who Can Start or Join a Hub?
People who feel a calling to share their ideas and views. Those who seek to connect with youth and elders to increase their awareness of their own spirituality and help raise global consciousness.
What do Hubs Do?
They gather together and partake in activities that foster spiritual growth, unity, love of nature and artistic expression.
Where are Hubs Located?
There are currently Hubs in Africa, Asia, Europe and North America.
How Many Members are Needed to Form a Hub?
There are no minimum or maximum restrictions for Hub membership.
Where Can the Hub Gather?
You do not need to have an official Headquarters for your Hub. Your Hub may meet in any space that you deem appropriate for your gatherings.
How Can We Generate Interest in Young People to Join the Hub?
COE has a website and a facebook page where an invitation to your gatherings can be sent virtually. You may also post flyers or personally invite people to your gatherings.
When do Hubs Gather?
As frequently or infrequently as the Hub Leader and members desire.
Do all Spirit Youth Hubs Meet at International Gatherings?
There are occasionally international gatherings organized and hosted by one of the Hubs. Any Hub Leader or a representative of that Hub may join these international gatherings and partake in the program to share and explore our spiritual consciousness and pass on the message that we, as humans, are one family.
To see what Hubs around the world are doing please Click here
Pray it Forward
One of Spirit Youths initiatives to reach out to the world
We invite and encourage you to visit our parent organization
"Children of the Earth" for the latest news and events.
Come Learn how you can make a positive contribution in your community and the world.
Children of the Earth