International Conferences

Young people from our Global Family have become inspiring global leaders. Children of the Earth is giving them a voice by opening the doors for them to speak at International Symposiums, where only elders were speaking before. We have been invited to present at different conferences and events around the world.


June 11, 2014 to June 16, 2014

Nina Meyerhof and COE Alumni Kelly Ramer will be workshop presenters for CoE, June 13-14 at the International Conference on Conflict Resolution Education: Developing and Implementing Culturally Inclusive Conflict Resolution Education Policies and Practices in K-12 and Higher Education....

May 21, 2014 to May 23, 2014
Rosie Waygood will be representing COE at the Nexus Europe Youth Summit

The third annual Nexus Europe Youth Summit will convene 21-23 May, 2014 in London, UK, bringing together young philanthropists, impact investors, and allies – including family business members, successful entrepre...

April 10, 2014 to April 14, 2014
'The Power of Love and Compassion in Governance'

Reykavick, Iceland

Nina will be speaking at the 2014 Spirit of Humanity Forum.

In a few months, from April 10-12 2014, we will gather in Reykjavík to share our perspectives and work together on ‘The Power of Love and Comp...


August 23, 2013 to August 25, 2013

Currently there is an initiative driving throughout Europe…the development of a new united European dynamic with special space for the youth of Europe today. A Festi-Forum called EuroPie is in the process of construction hoping to contribute to this momentous help for future challenges....

February 14, 2013

COE attended the “United for a Culture of Peace through Interfaith Harmony” event and ushered the Junior Four Chorus of the United Nations International School for their performance before the UN General Assembly.  The children performed songs titled “Shalom,” “Assalam Alaykum Wa Alayna...