COE Ambassadors

COE Ambassadors are individuals aligned with COE’s Mission and who have been inspired to express their spiritual awareness and take actions to create a more peaceful world. Our generation is looking for answers to questions of existence, ways of understanding our spiritual heritage as well as discovering our purpose in life. As COE Ambassadors, we believe it is our responsibility to find sustainable solutions to current problems and discovering new ways of living that are in accordance to humanity’s highest ethics and values and in harmony with creation as a whole.

1. What is your Name?

Ntiokam Divine

2. What is your date of birth?


3. How do you define spirituality?

It is the act of feeling for Humanity coupled with the fear of the Lord.

4. How do you explore your own spirituality?

By sharing my daily feelings and conceptions with close friends and relatives.

5. What quali...

1. What is your Name?

My name is Anis Khan ‘Insan’ (The Human)

2. What is your date of birth?

My Date of Birth is 29th June,1984

3. How do you define spirituality?

Spirituality means knowing/understanding the Natural Law of Entire Existence i.e. Natural law of relation with other human units and non-human units.

The result of complete spiri...