Leadership Team

Vision of COE Israel

To continue building a network of on-going youth groups constantly building interfaith relations and forming partnerships for projects bettering the society.

YAEL GIDANYAN was born in Jerusalem in 1986. She is writing her master thesis in the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, the department of Islam and Middle Eastern Studies. She is volunteering in the Interfaith Encounter Association for the last five years, working to promote peace in the Holy Land. Believes that Jerusalem can and should be the capital of justice and peace.

YEHUDA STOLOV is the executive director of the Interfaith Encounter Association, an organization that strives to establish a framework for peace in Israel and the Middle East by fostering mutual respect among individuals and communities through interfaith dialogue. Dr. Stolov has lectured on the role of religious dialogue in peace-building throughout the world, including Jordan, Indonesia, Turkey, South Korea and Europe. In 2006, he was awarded the Immortal Chaplains Foundation Prize for Humanity, which honors those who "risked all to protect others of a different faith or ethnic origin." Among other activities, Dr. Stolov was a member of the steering committee for the United Nations Decade of Interreligious Dialogue and Cooperation for Peace.  He holds a B.S. and an M.Sc. in Physics and a Ph.D. from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Co-workers: Mr. Salah Alladin, Assitant Director; Ms. Fathiey Jaber, Office Manager; Rabbi Bob Carroll, Director of Development, Yehuda Stolov, President and Founder

Contact Us

Interfaith Encounter Association
12/34 Ha’arazim Street, P.O. Box 3814 Jerusalem 91037, Israel
Phone: 972-2-6510520 Fax: 972-2-6510557
Email: office@interfaith-encounter.org
Website: www.interfaith-encounter.org