Social Action Report

Our aim is to create an open minded and safe environment for our spiritual growth. Where we can speak freely about the deep questions of life and our experiences, and where we will not judge one another, but practice unconditional love. It is a place where we can share, teach and learn from each other. Also, it can be a place where we can discover our unique gifts and use them collectively. ‘Children of the Earth’ also provides a unique opportunity since it is a global network recognized by the United Nations and other major organizations. This means that inspired talks do not have to remain in one room, but can be put into action, and can reach out to great thinkers all over the world.

The Pittsburgh Hub’s first project was a response to the call for help by fellow COE Hub leader, Samuel Ayivi. The Pittsburgh Hub organized a concert to raise funds to help pay for medical bills and replace instruments lost in a tragic car accident. The concert consisted of many local musicians and friends who came together with the intention to send their love, compassion and support to our brothers and sisters overseas. Their efforts managed to raise 700$ and inspired someone to donate a Keyboard which will be given to Sam when COE representatives go to Lome, Togo in August 2011 in support of his international youth gathering.

At one of their recent meetings one of the members made a short presentation about fractal evolution, which triggered an interesting discussion afterwords among the participants. They also did some group "Om"ing, which got them to feel the inter-connectedness we all share.

To see Kevin May Presentation on fractal evolution please go to:

Future Projects:

Continue organizing meetings with our creative and caring friends to understand the needs of humanity and our environment, and to work together to unfold the picture of life. We can also educate ourselves through screening documentaries, holding lectures and group discussions. We also, wish to participate in further collaborations with other Hubs and great thinkers to effect positive change, and to collectively and resourcefully provide for those people and situations where healing is needed.