Hub History


The European Hub was created in the summer of 2009 during a gathering of 26 youth at The Center of Unity in Schweibenalp near Brienz, Switzerland. The aim of the Swiss Hub is to form a fertile ground for spiritual values to be experienced, expressed, and then acted upon. This program is to create a template for all future Hub development and to be a pilot of such activity.

During the gathering a sociocratic process was used to:

  • Map out an organizational structure for this Hub
    • Core leadership of three individuals, a working group of approximately 10, unlimited greater membership
    • Required monthly meetings for leaders and working group
  • Identify goals:
    • Grow membership
    • Enrich working group dynamics and relations
    • Host large gathering for 100 youth in summer of 2010
  • Defining needs:
    • Funding for 2010 gathering
    • Connect with elders to mentor youth
    • Outreach to other youth
  • Select leadership
    • Three youth were nominated and accepted leadership positions


The working circle has had three meetings and the following results have been achieved:

  • Greater cohesion, understanding, and unity within working group
  • 6,500 Euros raised for 2010 gathering; other possible funding sources identified
  • Confirmed program, flyer, and invites established for 2010 gathering

2010 Goals:

  • Host the “Be The Change Now” conference for 50-75 youth
  • Become the base for all future youth Hub meetings in Europe