Beekeeping Project

  • Promoting community participation in the sustainable conservation of Palabek-Kal forest reserve
  • Assisting the survival of the honeybee, a world-wide necessity for food production
  • Providing a source of income, a necessity for women with children in rural villages of Northern Uganda

With support from the Orskov Foundation, Peter was able to help a group of poor women in one of the villages in Kitgum to start beekeeping activities. About 100 hives thrived, producing honey and other bee products, and providing income to the women, thus improving their livelihoods and the livelihoods of their children. A plan is underway to continue and expand this project to other villages, and start a revolving funding scheme.

Beekeeping Project Update

More groups have been added and the project continues to grow and develop according to plan. The Foundation for Purposeful Living, an all-volunteer service organization in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, known for its innovative approaches to addressing social needs, donated US$500. This money was used to purchase beehives for local community groups.

To date there are 6 different Beekeeping Groups with a total of  98 active members, 53 trained beekeepers and 218 Beehives.