Children of the Earth - Winter 2017

Clip from Slovenian National TV with Nina Meyerhof
from Sundar Robert Dreyfus

Together with a core group of about 26 spiritual leaders, teachers and healers from all over the planet I will meet and work experimentally beyond form, words and status to explore and encourage the emergence of a "new language of Universal Spirituality".

This group will meet for three days of attunement and creative visioning after which we will open it for the weekend for an additional 180 sisters and brothers, colleagues, friends and students to join us in this experiment of alignment, attunement and realization. I am inviting you to participate in this weekend.
Humanity's most precious dream has been that of a peaceful existence. A life carried out in dignity, respect, productivity; a life free of fear. This dream is the core of hope pulling people through the most difficult conditions, because to many, this dream has remained little more than a utopian aspiration.
Refugees Welcome
This is a critical time in our world. Our youth require our support more than ever before to inspire them in taking action towards the future that they are destined to create. Your contribution will assist us to continue our work with youth leaders all over the world to inspire and equip them to live meaningful lives by assisting to become social change agent and spiritual activists.
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Please help us create even more PEACE in 2016. 
Thank You!
Your Kindness Matters.
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Celebrating Human Rights Week of the United Nations December 16, 2016
Held at State Higher Vocational School, Oswiecim, Auschwitz ,Poland 

Sister Mary, Agata Wisniowska, Piotr Zieba, Dr. Nina Meyerhof, Rev. Patrick McCollum, Father Manfred, Dr. Rodica Pop, Dr. Michael Stoeger, Janna Stoeger, Domen Kocevar were presenters and facilitators at this meeting for the students attending the College.

We shared our introducations and commitments to Human Rights and then worked together in small groups on the Culture of Peace with an ultimate focus on local problems.

A young student was given the honor to play the World Peace Violin that travels around the world blessed and played by renown people that Patrick McCollum brought with him.

After our full day meeting with the school students, we met with the Vice-Rector to plan for our follow-up gatherings. Next date for our group to reconvene in Oswiecim is March 27th, 2017 for which we are preparing an in-depth discussion for a year's program and offer 1/2 day teacher workshop as well as another student training.

Everyone was pleased with our success and welcomes our return. As we move forward, one phase at a time, we all agree that the goal is the establishing an Institute that serves many cultures and right relationships.
Jimmy, Children of the Earth Core Team Leader, from Nepal and Dhiki celebrated Jasmine's birthday by giving out fleece jackets and hats for shcool children in a remote region of Nepal.
With the help of COE and others, they collected enough funds to purchase 280 fleece jackets and hats. The original plan was to help 119 students at Shree Lekharka Basic School, but with the generosity of our friends like COE, they were able to reach out to kindergarten children of four other schools in the impoverished area - Bhotenamlang, Gopre, Kafle and Bhotangdevi.
From Intellect to Intuition
Education in the World of Tomorrow
Nina and Domen participated in a day of talks, discussions and meditations that took place simultaneously in London, New York and Geneva - on the theme of from Intellect to Intuition. In the book From Intellect to Intuition it is suggested that: "the nature and true significance of meditation, and its use on a large scale in the West ... may eventually supplant the present methods of memory training, and prove a potent factor in modern educational procedure." "Can the development of the intuition find its place in modern education?"
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