Children of the Earth - February 2015


Welcome to Anand & Seethalakshmi to COE




Nina Meyerhof, president and founder of COE, finished as a finalist for the 2015 edition of the Public Peace Prize. She received sufficient support to meet the criteria for the Internationally-reputed Peacemaker category.





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Digital download. Plus Portraits of Sustainable Youth Leaders around the World.







One Peaceful Africa T-Shirt

The OPA T-Shirt Project is a collaboration of the hearts and minds of the children of Africa generating funds to support the efforts on the ground in Liberia, Nigeria and beyond. While many aid initiatives are driven by the outside international community, this OPA project is coming directly from the people living on the continent and the purchase of a One Peaceful Africa T-Shirt supports the the children of Africa, directly.


Your Donation Supports One Peaceful Africa Projects






This is a critical time in our world. Our youth require our support more than ever before to inspire them in taking action towards the future that they are destined to create. Your contribution will assist us to continue our work with youth leaders all over the world to inspire and equip them to live meaningful lives by assisting to become social change agent and spiritual activists.


We recently added the ability for you to sign up to make a recurring donation to COE. Pledge your monthly support!

Donation Button

The World Peace Violin Story


"The World Peace Violin serves as a powerful metaphor for both the beauty and diversity of our planet and for the successful integration of its religions, cultures, and people. It is bringing peace to the world."

- Reverend Patrick McCollum, Children of the Earth Director


Constructed of diverse woods and materials collected from the sites of world conflicts and resolutions, and impregnated with materials and fragments collected from sacred sites and events connected to the peace process from around the world, the World Peace Violin was fully born on the Winter Solstice of 2012. The violin has been traveling around the world and will continue traveling in 2015.



Trek the Himalayas in Nepal and Help Develop a New Cultural Center


Support the development of a new cultural center in Nepal while finding respite in the serene Himalayan Mountains.


For the past few months, the Toronto Group has been organizing the creation of a cultural center in Nepal that will eventually host retreats and workshops on spirituality, leadership and the arts. In the spring of 2015, members from the Toronto Group, (most of whom are artists) will be traveling to Nepal to deliver workshops, and to conduct a needs assessment with the host community at the future site of the center. To raise funds for the building of the center, we are hosting our first fundraising trek in May 2015. This trip will be a mix of light hiking through remote villages, with workshops and cultural exchanges, as well as some opportunities for meditation and yoga in the Himalayas.



One Peaceful Africa - Computer Classes for Peace in Nigeria


"Volunteerism, education, and service are replacing rape, robbery and kidnapping in the culture of young people in south eastern Nigeria."


Femi Sylva, COE Member


The COE South East Nigeria project focuses on ICT skills instruction for young people and is growing in over 27 local areas. Femi Sylva piloted this project after attending the One Peaceful Africa: Ghana Gathering in the summer of 2013 in order to cultivate peace in his community by teaching computer classes for youth. H>e started with just a laptop computer and 4 students and grew by collecting discarded computers from the local government and rebuilding them with his own money which allowed him to teach up to 65 students.


With the number of young people in the community being inspired and joining the project, Femi is eager to expand the program in order to provide a solution to youth unemployment and violence in this volatile area. As the program grows, so does his need to fund it's growth. Please consider giving to this project.



From Silence Into Action for the Climate


tzcuauhtli (Eat-Squat-Lee) is an 11 year old indigenous eco hip-hop activist with Earth Guardians. Over the past year he says he has learned more about the urgency of our climate crisis and worries about the kind of world his generation will be left with if there isn't a switch to clean, safe, renewable energy.


On Oct. 27,2014, Itzcuauhtli went on a 45-day silence strike for climate action. People all over the world joined in and pledged to be climate leaders. Join the global movement for a healthy, sustainable planet by signing the pledge. The goal of the movement is to get one million signatures to deliver to the UN Talks in Paris in December of 2015.



YES Youth Europe Self-Empowerment Cooperative


The YES initiative aims to reduce youth unemployment. With rates of 50/60% in Spain, followed closely by other countries ...dramatic action must be taken to eliminate this situation.


28 young people will be chosen from 28 EU States and will meet to discuss an initiative leading to the foundation for the YES COOPERATIVA.


This will take place in Germany, 26th April to 3rd May 2015.


The 28 young people participating in the very first gathering for YES will be the founding members of an SCE or cooperative society.


Final Application Day is 15th February 2015



Green Hope UAE Brings Santa to Labor Camp Residents


Christmas is a season of giving and Green Hope UAE decided that the best way to celebrate it was to bring some joy to laborers of their city.


"We saved our pocket money and campaigned amongst our friends and neighbours to collect blankets, daily use items, cooking oil, dry food and clothes. We then packed them into biodegradable bags and visited a labour camp in Sonapur where we handed them out to the delighted laborers."



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