" In today's highly interdependent world, individuals and nations can no longer resolve many of their problems by themselves.
We need one another. We must therefore develop a sense of universal responsibility. It is our collective and individual responsibility to protect and nurture the global family, to support its weaker members, and to preserve and tend to the environment in which we all live."
-Dalai Lama

ALUNA is being made by and with the KOGI, a genuine lost civilization hidden on an isolated triangular pyramid mountain in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia, nearly five miles high, on the Colombian-Caribbean coast.
The Kogi say that without thought, nothing could exist. This is a problem, because we are not just plundering the world, we are dumbing it down, destroying both the physical structure and the thought underpinning existence.
The Kogi believe that they live in order to care for the world and keep its natural order functioning, but they recognized some years ago that this task was being made impossible by our mining and deforestation.
In 1990 they emerged to work with Alan Ereira, making a 90-minute film for BBC1 in which they dramatically warned of our need to change course. Then they withdrew again...
Scotland Hub Gathering
 The Scotland hub has been holding monthly meetings since March. And, in April we had a huge launch with over 30 people attending our celebration. We start each meeting with a meditation of gratitude and appreciation to the Earth and all species, including humans, and our gatherings move forward from this connection-to-the-whole space. At the moment we are focused as a small group of young adults/ youth leaders, intent on developing COE within Scotland, but starting locally in Findhorn and Forres. We have become affiliated with the Scottish National Youth organization "Youth Scotland" for public liability insurance and to complete the disclosure process which allows us to work with children and young people. read more
COE In the News
Hunt Henion, Practical Spirituality Examiner, June 28, 2011 Help for Children of the Earth
Republica, June 28, 2011 Cross Cultural Youth in Helambu
ECSNEPAL July, 2011 Triggering Spiritual Revolutions: An Interview with Nina Meyerhoff Founder - President of Children of the Earth (COE), Dr Nina Meyerhof, through her proactive work is making sure the children of the world have a voice. n of the world have a voice. |
5 AUG 2011
European Consciousness through Action for Peace,
Baia Mare, Romania
Youth from Hungary, Romania, UK, Germany, Switzerland will get a taste of the Romanian culture, while learning skills necessary for active peace work. Youth will learn communications skills, design a community project, practice forgivingness and reconciliation, and review policy.
15 SEPT 2011
International Day of Peace, United Nations, NY
Children of the Earth will invite 45 youth from schools throughout Vermont to participate in this day-long event. Interested youth should contact
1 OCT 2011
London, England
A day of amazing projects, people and activities showcasing youth and how they impact the world.
12 DEC 2012
ReUnion Guatemala
Do you sense the transformation that is taking place in our world? Are you committed to bringing forward a more loving, peaceful, sustainable world?
Celebrate as well as call forth the spiritual evolution of our planet. Time of prophesy for great change - be a part of that vision!
Chldren of the Earth, founded by Dr. Nina Meyerhof in 1990, offers young people leadership skills programs, educational workshops and attendance at distinguished conferences. We instill the concepts of global cooperation, multicultural understanding, spiritual values and ethical living.
Influenced by my interpretation of the
teaching of the Kabbalah
There is no together as there is only ONE. It is us as human who only function from a personal understanding of the self that have ego and thus refuse to see ONE.
We now know there is only that Oneness from science, but hardly know how to release ourselves from our personal selves to
Dr. Nina Meyerhof
walk into this stage of understanding. Yet in this stage of understanding is where we will only become into the unified understanding of wholeness, collaboration, meeting the needs of the other and functioning as a healthy body of a living source. READ MORE
Pakistan Chapter Leader Brings Education to Rural Pakistan
 Recently, our Chapter Leader in Sukkur Pakistan, Ashfaque Hussain, visited one of the poorest rural areas of his country with the hope of building schools and providing education to children; boys as well as girls. This area is very remote and not many people or humanitarian organizations are willing to go there as conditions are rustic and sanitation is below standard. Ashfaque's dedication and commitment to bring "the light of education" to these communities is an example and an inspiration to us all. We are reminded of the endless opportunities to bring new experiences and information that are conducive to a greater quality of life for the people and their environment, both socially as well as physically.

August 5, 2011 - August 12, 2011
Never before in human history have we faced a world of so much complexity and so many challenges, all unfolding at a dizzying pace. Even our most progressive approaches to human organization are quickly becoming obsolete - insufficient for navigating the challenges and harnessing the opportunities now in front of us more than ever to develop a culture of peace, to create a new European consciousness among the new generation, is an emergency.
Children for Children -Children for Peace collaborates with children and youth from Europe to create a European consciousness through a strong culture of inner and external peace.This project is a collaboration between six organisations recognized internationally,which develop a large activity focused on peace and education based on living values and ethical behaviours fostering sustainability. read more
Partnership: Children of the Earth, USA, Children for Children: Children of Peace Foundation, Romania, Magyarországért Európában Egyesület, Hungary, DML Bonn-Cooperation Circle within URI Deutschland e.V., Germany, Zentrum der Einheit Schweibenalp, Switzerland, URI UK -UNITED RELIGIONS INITIATIVE UK, United Kingdom.
FOCUS: New Argentina Chapter
Paula Alonso, our COE Chapter Leader in Argentina, is starting innovative projects under the banner of COE. One of her projects is called "Youth Peace Leaders". By using COE's training materials, she will provide high school students with the necessary inspiration, Values and skills to start their own social projects, thus expanding the network of caring youth throughout Argentina.
Through the "Youth Peace Leaders" project, Paula hopes to plant seeds of positive attitude towards life, inspire youth to apply Higher Values in their daily lives and to become more involved in their communities.
Another one of her projects is called "Peace Art for Kids", which will give children the opportunity to share their thoughts on Peace and Love through drawings and hand crafts. The children will then give their "Peace Art" to children in orphanages and hospitals and also to elderly people in old age homes, to bright up their lives and paint a smile on their faces.
May her inspiring work reach all corners of Argentina and inspire youth worldwide to become active Peace Net-workers!
In a successful effort to bring awareness and create connection for the needs of young orphans living in Haiti, the Vermont Chapter brought the Bear Hugs for Haiti project to the bustling streets

of the Burlington pedestrian walkway. With our project mascot, art supplies for youth to send messages to Haiti youth, and a passion for this cause, we raised money for the project
and galvanized support from our community.
Annalise Cohen
Vermont Chapter Leader

My God, this beautiful world which you have created has seen so many disasters and revolutions on earth. You have so far tested us and every human being. We do not have more courage to see disasters and take dead bodies of innocent people on our shoulders. We cannot bear the pain of suffering which is happening from natural disasters. This is not only suffering us but leading us back to the Stone Age.
My God, you know everything about us, you have created this earth and gave human beings very good minds to make this earth beautiful and easy to live. My God if you hear the prayers from every single baby to adult, everyone on this earth begs from you for not testing us from the disasters who are taking beautiful lives of people forever. My God we are begging for your pity on every land and human being on this earth.
- Ashfaque Qureshi, Pakistan Chapter Leader
In 2010 Pakistan was affected by floods and thousands lost their homes and all their belongings. In an effort to help Pakistani women and their families rebuild their lives, Ashfaque Qureshi has initiated a campaign to distribute manually operated sewing machines to the affected people. Each sewing machine costs US $60. Your donation for this cause is greatly appreciated and will surely have a great impact in the lives of many!
Your Donation for this cause is greatly appreciated!