Children of the Earth - May 2013


Great Invocation


From "I" to "We" to "One"


From the point of Light
within the mind of Oneness,
Let Light stream forth into our minds;
Let Light descend on Earth.


From the point of Love
within the heart of Oneness,
Let Love stream forth into our hearts;
May Love increase on Earth.

From the center where
the will of Oneness is known,
let purpose guide our wills;
The purpose which the Holy Ones know and serve.

From the center
which we call humanity,
let the Plan of Love and Light work out,
and may it seal the door where darkness dwells.

Let Light, Love, and Unity heal our world.
Let Light, Love, and Unity awaken humanity.
Let Light, Love, and Unity cultivate peace and harmony on Earth.


(Adapted from "The Great Invocation" given to Alice Bailey via Master D.K. in 1945)


Listen to the Meditation:


Oneness Meditation  

An Open Letter to the Young People of the World


We are the music makers, 

And we are the dreamers of dreams, 
Wandering by lone seabreakers, 
And sitting by desolate streams; 
World-losers and world-forsakers, 
On whom the pale moon gleams: 
Yet we are the movers and shakers 
Of the world forever, it seems... 
We, in the ages lying In the buried past of the earth, 
Built Ninevah with our sighing, 
And Babel itself in our mirth; 
And o'erthrew them with prophesying 
To the old of the new world's worth; 
For each age is a dream that is dying, 
Or one that is coming to birth. 
(Arthur O'Shaughnessy) 


You, the young people of the world, are the movers and shakers, the music makers.... 




Free Hugs Switzerland Watch the Video:


Free Hugs   


Common Good Forum

Common Good Forum

August 25-30, 2013

Paris, France



An intergenerational Dialogue to Inspire a Creative Leadership





Europie Festi-Forum

August 23-25, 2013

Toulouse, France


Currently there is an initiative driving throughout Europe...the development of a new united European dynamic with special space for the youth of today. A Festi-Forum called EuroPie is in the process of construction hoping to contribute momentous help for future challenges. 





UAE Chapter Leader Wins UNEP Eco-Generation Award


SynergY Youth Group Suppors Dubai Cares Walk for Education


Hub Leader from UAE Elected UNEP's Global Coordinator for Children and Youth


Report on Promoting a Sustainable Lifestyle in Labor Camps


SynergY Receives Appreciation Award for Enthusiastic Participation in Earth Hour


Green Hope UAE Desert Cleanup


Green Hope UAE's Marine Biodiversity Conservation Campaign


Creating a Peaceful and Sustainable World


Shivaratri Festival Celebration

children at festival

We have recently celebrated a festival called Maha Shivaratri. This festival is one of the religious festivals in the Hindu religion.  This festival is mainly to worship Lord Shiva. All the Hindu people take part to celebrate the festival.






This is a critical time in our world. Our youth require our support more than ever before to inspire them in taking action towards the future that they are destined to create. Your contribution will assist us to continue our work with youth leaders all over the world to inspire and equip them to live meaningful lives by assisting to become social change agent and spiritual activists.


We recently added the ability for you to sign up to make a recurring donation to COE. Pledge your monthly support!


Donation Button
The Oneness Project


"Every generation must be free to remake the world anew" (Thomas Paine).


We can do this individually, but working together, we can become "The Power of Oneness," transcending the limits of time as we propel positive changes into our own lives and into the lives of all of creation on Earth. YOU are needed to remake the world anew.


COE is convening 12 master level youth Spirit-Ambassadors: COE alumni who have known each other throughout many years. They have agreed to unite daily in meditation with COE elders. All regions of the world are represented including Ghana, Israel, Nepal, Pakistan, South Africa, United Kingdom, Canada, United States, Romania, Nigeria, Australia, Korea and Japan.


Each of the participants has practiced diverse types of meditation, but this will be a specific process adapted by and for them. They will journal their experiences and shall be interviewed regularly. Their reflections will be posted on the COEWORLD website and on social media to promote the movement and inspire others to join. 


As more youth join the project, the 12 lead youth will become mentors to new members, causing a ripple effect in youth consciousness to flow. COEʼs role is to synthesize this creative energy and to allow the love, light and unity of the youth movement to heal the Earth, awaken humanity and to build sustainable world peace through Oneness.




One Peaceful Africa:
Ghana Gathering 2013


To celebrate Children of the Earth's  
10 years in Africa, we are having a  
gathering in Ghana in August, 2013! 


COE Africa  


This conference is to be the first One Peaceful Africa regional gathering, to be followed by future conferences in other parts of the African continent.


The Ghana event will focus on three core concepts: (1) Peace, (2) Conflict Resolution and (3) Leadership. Participants will leave prepared to share what they have learned with youth in their local areas.

The Aburi Botanical Gardens in Aburi, Ghana will be the site for the conference.  The tentative dates are August 16-19. 

All youth are welcome to attend.  Please spread the word! 

Registration for the program is FREE.  The cost of travel and lodging is each individual's responsibility. 


Each participant will create their own action plan, based on recognized peace models. Strengths, challenges and needs will be discussed and integrated into each plan.  


If you would like to help organize the event, or if you need more information, please contact Shelley Shane at  




Family Line Foundation Liberia




After 14 years of war in Liberia, our children have suffered greatly. Some of them of them have become orphans and children of single mothers while others have parents that are handicapped as a result of the war. We want to help these kids reach their full potential. We are working with single mothers, giving them seeds so they can start back yard gardens to provide for their family and allow them some independence.   




The Joy of Touching



Project Goals

  • The project main goal is to make culture accessible to people who are blind or visually impaired. through movement, gestures and feelings, improving creativity and broadening the vision upon the beauty this world has to offer to each and every one of us.
  • To develop a strong social integration and cohesion of the target the community showing what tolerance and respect for each person means and offering equal opportunities to everybody.
  • To develop new cultural policy by changing  mentalities, providing support for cultural dialogue of all categories focused on personal development of blind people.


COE Youth Work for Peace in Kenya

Youth in Kenya CoE Chapter Leader Patrick Maluki manages a national NGO called Poverty Eradication and Community Empowerment (PEACE) in Kenya.  PEACE works with young people at different stages in their lives to ensure that they acquire relevant skills and knowledge for informed and timely decision making. PEACE is holding a series of seminars on "Youth for Peaceful Elections" for college age youth in and around Nairobi.  An initial group of 50 students was invited to the first phase in January, 2013, and an overwhelming 250 showed up to the seminar!



Peace and Art at Burlington High School


students On April 10th, Nina Meyerhof and Noah Miller, a youth from Burlington who went to Nepal with COE and also led a workshop for Diversity Rocks refugee group last year, offered a workshop on Peace and Art at Burlington High School. The school-wide event served the purpose of bringing together students of diverse backgrounds and breaking down the barriers that so often keep people apart. Nina shared about COE and Noah did an exercise of drawing their vision of peace and sharing with the group and then making a plan of action for implementation. 



The Planting of the Holy Thorn and Peace Pole in Glastonbury


peace pole

The 26th of January 2013, in Glastonbury, England, has been an extraordinary event. The tree known as the Holy Thorn has been planted in the heart of the town, and also a Peace Pole has been planted which has written on it in 8 languages (English, Dutch, German, Romanian, Spanish, Japanese, Hindi and Braille) the message May Peace Prevail on Earth. The Holy Thorn is a very special tree, a descendent of the Holy Thorn that stood on Wearyall Hill. Legend says that the Thorn sprang from the staff of Joseph of Arimathea, more than 2000 years ago when he came to Britain.



43rd Anniversary of Earth Day

earth day network On April 22, 2013, more than one billion people around the world took part in the 43rd anniversary of Earth Day. From Beijing to Cairo, Melbourne to London, Rio to Johannesburg, New Delhi to New York, communities everywhere will voiced their concerns for the planet, and took action to protect it.



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