Patrick McCollum Honored with The Ralphe Bunche International Peace Award
"What is happening in Syria could be happening to any of us. No one is free until we're all free. Our campaign, #message4peace, gives the public a voice, a voice that will be heard. We are lucky to have a voice, to live in hope when so many have none. Use your voice! Use your power! Use a few seconds of your time to add your message for peace in Syria. A London mother is walking from her home to Geneva, over 600 miles, to deliver as many messages as she can collect to the United Nations. Don't waste your voice, your power, your hope - click on #message4peace and make a difference!"
Education comes from the word educare...which means to draw forth or lead out. Education is a calling...a vocation of passion for individuals who care about our next generation and our collective future. Educators today are so often bogged down by the subjects they are teaching that they often forget they are builders of this most important future. The young people are not only inheritors of our past but are also our initiators into the next phase of cultural evolution. They are the architects for the coming phases that include social, cultural and global development. They have the potential to no longer imitate what has come before them but rather imagining the scaffolding for structures that lead us into a better future.
This is a critical time in our world. Our youth require our support more than ever before to inspire them in taking action towards the future that they are destined to create. Your contribution will assist us to continue our work with youth leaders all over the world to inspire and equip them to live meaningful lives by assisting to become social change agent and spiritual activists.
We recently added the ability for you to sign up to make a recurring donation to COE. Pledge your monthly support!
Please help us create even more PEACE in 2016.
Thank You!
Your Kindness Matters.
The 21st century holds the greatest possibilities for an integrated peaceful and prosperous global community. Connected by telecommunications and a growing spirituality, humankind has a chance to actualize an evolutionary state of being. At the same time, the future has never before been more challenged by worldwide terrorism, poverty, rapid climate change, inadequate education and health care and geopolitical unrest. The kind of world that the next generation will experience will depend upon the collective vision and intention of world leaders. As long as the global culture is grounded in fear, greed and scarcity, we will continue to use our human and financial resources for war and destruction. As we shift towards love, compassion in education, we will deploy resources for the common good, lifting up all people to a life of hope and security.
Achieving world peace can sometimes feel like a daunting task. It's important to remember that even little acts of service can make a big difference.
"Bear Hugs" is a project that was originally started in 2004 with the intention of delivering bears to children who were victims of the Tsunami that devastated Thailand. Since then the project has expanded all around the globe reaching Louisiana, Africa, and Haiti. Many of these children lost their homes and loved ones in the process.
Our plans for 2016 are to deliver teddy bears to the Balkans where there is a disastrous bottleneck with thousands of Syrian refugees stuck in camps. The children suffer great loss, without a home and fearful of what comes next.
Children Of Earth organized the second One Peaceful Africa five days program, aimed at bringing youth and children from seven African countries to Reflect, Connect and Act.
One Peaceful Africa (OPA) is working to bring a new Era of empowerment for African youths, in order to enable and encourage youths to build peace in Africa. Peace according to OPA codinator Princess Ukaga, is like green grass that is life. One Peaceful Africa is that green grass growing among and alongside of every African youth.
Beginning in May, Children of Earth will be reopening its Sharing and Learning Center in Sindhupalchowk that was previously destroyed in last year's earthquake in Nepal. Materials (like wood, slate, and CGC tin sheets) have been donated by the local community and are recycled from houses that had collapsed in the quake.
The plan is to build a single story, earthquake-resistant structure that will house a small library, art supplies, and musical instruments for use of the whole community. Over time, artists from Kathmandu will come to the center to offer workshops in arts and crafts, promoting creativity, while exploring the ways that art can affect society.
Nicolae Tanase:
Dr. Meyerhof, what is the meaning of life?
Nina Meyerhof:
How simply boring would life be if we did not seek this answer? Life is a series of experiences which we create to learn all the magnificent lessons our inner self wishes to learn and at the same time participating with others in a process of conscious evolution for the sake of the greater whole. The meaning we give is our perception that allows us to appreciate all our experiences. In seeking meaning, we find a process for determining how we wish to live and how we actually are doing as we traverse the timeline of our individual lives.
Simran Vedvyas, a senior at Universal American School Dubai and Founder of youth group, SynergY was awarded the 'Community Award for Citizenship' and was a finalist 'Ambassador for the Environment' for her unparalleled community service and environmental work in the region.
"I believe in this work, spiritual activism for sacred good ... what would be on my epitaph? Something about a life of service, that I gave myself to the dream and the dream has meaning."
Nina has made a life of advocating for children and youth. Her story is shared in this beautiful legacy video.
