COE Liberia Works with Unicef

June 21, 2013


A. Problems identified:

  1. Youth violence
  2. Drug abuse amongst young children
  3. Teenage pregnancy
  4. Early school dropout
  5. Peer pressure

B. A way forward: Addressing the problems

  1. Awareness
  2. Community
  3. School campuses
  4. PTA in schools
  5. Workshops
  6. Artistic works
  7. Tournaments (sporting activities)
  8. Programs
  9. Publicity: radio and  television talk shows and promo

C. Activities to achieve our objectives:

  1. The communities are where we and our parents live. We intent to work through community leaders to do community awareness as to how to address the problems identified under A
  2. It is also true that some of us are found in schools. We also intent to work through school administrations in order to take our message to our fellow students through our selected COE representatives that in those schools.
  3. We intent to be a part of every PTA meeting held at each school to be able to explain our objectives and to ask for their cooperation as parents.
  4. Workshops will be conducted where members of COE-Liberia will be trained in those identified areas of concern. This will help us better disseminate information about those issues found in A.
  5. Where it becomes necessary, we will present, or displace some of our messages through artistic works. Artistic work depicting a particular  message will be distributed into homes, or displayed on doors of our dwelling homes
  6. We intent to organize sporting activities to bring young people together where we will be able to relate to them on a single larger occasion. Every tournament we will carry a theme or a particle for that occasion.
  7. Programs will be organized where young people that are models or doing meaningful contribution in society will be invited to speak to them  on issues as identified in A.

D. Appeal/ Request:

  1. Sponsorship for a two days workshop.
  2. Sponsorship for public awareness and community tournaments.  Identifications and handout depicting our objectives will be distributed on occasion of such nature.

We wish to carry on these programs in stages:

  1. Workshop. Selected members will be taken for a two day workshop where they will be trained to handle each of the identified programs under A. These workshops will be repeated from time to time. These youths will be taken from various schools and communities within the Paynesville and Monrovia areas and its surroundings.
  2. From the workshop, we will then organize ourselves and begin To meet with school and community leaders regarding those things we have been able to identify and the way we can help to address them.
  3. Tournaments will be stage in community to serve as a means to help us carry on public awareness. During these occasions, we intent to be identified by t-shirts and caps bearing the name ‘Children of the Earth”.


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