Elders of the Children of the Earth Assemble in Thailand
Dr. Nina Meyerhof, in the company of six spiritual elders (Dr. Diane, Brother Ku, Rev. Patrick, Chief Taminik, Josie and Yogi-ji), traveled to Thailand this month to build a community of world servers with the Dhammakaya monks. Our hosts treated us with extraordinary loving companionship and shared Magha Puja Day – the great celebration of Buddha where his disciples gathered together without His actually calling them for a deep discourse.
After a 4-day meditation retreat, the last day was spent presenting to the Dhammakaya Peace Foundation. The Vice Abbott was moved by our stories. It was the seeding of a new path for all and a beginning of true collaboration.
From there, Rev. Patrick and Dr. Nina went to Java to visit Bobodur joining Lama Gangchen. They walked around the largest Buddhist Stupa for four hours slowly with inner determination for clearing all blockages so they may carry the Light forward.
All the Spiritual and Religious Leaders present in Thailand BLESSED the COE PENDANT. We are All children of the Earth!
The pendants will continue their journey to be blessed by Spiritual Elders of the Buddhist, Hawaiian, Taoist, and Pagan traditions - and others connected to Children of the Earth - for the next generation to lead all humanity into fostering a beautiful world.