Hub Leader from UAE Elected UNEP’s Global Coordinator for Children and Youth

March 11, 2013

It was a momentous occasion when I was elected as one of the Global Coordinators of UNEP's Major Groups for Children and Youth. I took charge of my new position as the Global Coordinator during the Annual Meeting of the Major Groups Facilitating Committee.

In my role, I will strive for greater engagement and cooperation of my major group and stakeholders with UNEP thereby ensuring that we have a say in planning, policy making and implementation. The road to sustainable development must and will involve our aspirations.

Our major group is increasingly in focus and it is therefore an honor when I was chosen to facilitate the interactive dialogue session of the Executive Director of UNEP with the major groups and stakeholders during the GMGSF (Global Major Groups Stakeholders Forum) in Nairobi, Kenya.


While millions of people starve everyday across the world, at least one third of all the food produced gets wasted in the supply chain process. This is such a shame and stopping this wastage could be one of the key aspects of moving towards sustainability.

To create awareness about this major issue, UNEP has launched its “THINK-EAT-SAVE. REDUCE YOUR FOODPRINT” campaign.

To mark the First Universal Session of UNEP’s Governing Council, it hosted a zero waste reception and dinner where several ministers, dignitaries, heads of state and VIPs dined on food prepared from ingredients marked as waste.

As a Global Coordinator for Children and Youth, I was privileged to attend this unique dinner where the Executive Director of UNEP and the President of the Governing Council spoke about raising awareness on this very important issue.

By Kehkashan Basu, UAE Hub Leader

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