The Planting of the Holy Thorn and Peace Pole in Glastonbury

February 28, 2013
The Peace Pole

By Tatomir Ion-Marius, member of the Children of the Earth

The 26th of January 2013, in Glastonbury, England, has been an extraordinary event. The tree known as the Holy Thorn has been planted in the heart of the town, and also a Peace Pole has been planted which has written on it in 8 languages (English, Dutch, German, Romanian, Spanish, Japanese, Hindi and Braille) the message May Peace Prevail on Earth. The Holy Thorn is a very special tree, a descendent of the Holy Thorn that stood on Wearyall Hill. Legend says that the Thorn sprang from the staff of Joseph of Arimathea, more than 2000 years ago when he came to Britain.      

In September 2012 I visited the Glastonbury Pilgrim Reception Centre whose manager is Morgana West and inspired in her the idea to plant a Peace Pole.

A Peace Pole is a monument that displays the message "May Peace Prevail on Earth" in various languages and can be made of different materials in varying sizes.  The Peace Pole reminds us to act peacefully daily and in harmonious ways. Peace Poles have been planted all around the world. The Peace Pole Project is the official Project of The World Peace Prayer Society, started in Japan in 1955 by Masahisa Goi. Morgana West embraced the idea and supported it with extraordinary efforts, presenting to the local council the proposal of planting the Pole. The local council with mayor Ian Tucker approved the project appreciating its importance.                               

On the 26th of January, the event started in the town hall with beautiful harp music from John Dalton, then a speech was given by the mayor of the town, Ian Tucker. After this, a ceremony of lighting special candles took place. I had the honor to light the Candle of Peace and said that I am lighting the Candle with the wish that may Oneness and Peace prevail. The director of the World Prayer Peace Society (UK), Caroline Uchima travelled from Scotland to attend the event and spoke about the Peace Pole Project. Peace Ambassador Morgana West, talked about the Glastonbury Thorn planting and its powerful message.                                                                                                              

After the speeches, the event continued with the planting of the Holy Thorn and of the Peace Pole. Participants at the planting of the Holy Thorn and of the Peace Pole included Sue Thurgood, John Brunsdon, Denise Michell, William Knight, Jon Cousins, counsellors of the town of Glastonbury, Ian Tucker mayor of the town, Morgana West manager of PRC, Lynne Sedgmore Commander of the British Empire, Caroline Uchima director of WPPS for the UK who came specially from Scotland, volunteers, the community of the town, visitors, etc. The Peace Pole has been placed close to one of the town’s attractions, the abbey in whose courtyard it is said that the legendary King Arthur is buried. The planting of the Holy Thorn was a very touching event, I felt very special at the planting of the Tree during the Minute of Silence. After planting, the celebrations continued in the town hall with excellent music from the Avalonian Free State Choir and Tim Hall & the Archetypes. Glastonbury is visited yearly by hundreds of thousands of tourists. The event has been intensely promoted in the media in the UK but also internationally.

Glastonbury, holy place, blessed be! 

Lighting the Candle
Morgana West

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