From Silence Into Action for the Climate

January 15, 2015

“I hope our silence amplifies the voices of youth everywhere calling for climate action now!”
-Itzcuauhtli, from Silence into Action

Itzcuauhtli (Eat-Squat-Lee) is an 11 year old indigenous eco hip-hop activist with Earth Guardians. His parents recently attended a Children of the Earth program in Vermont, USA. Over the past year he says he has learned more about the urgency of our climate crisis and worries about the kind of world his generation will be left with if there isn’t a switch to clean, safe, renewable energy. 

On Oct. 27,2014, Itzcuauhtli went on a 45-day silence strike for climate action. What came next was a digital tidal wave of hope and support. People all over the world joined in and pledged to be climate leaders.

He believes this is a critical time in the global climate movement leading up to the Paris 2015 United Nation Climate Talks. His website states real leadership must come from youth.

Join the global movement for a healthy, sustainable planet by wearing a green wrist band in solidarity with his pledge and post photos using hashtags #SilenceIntoAction and #EarthGuardians but first sign the pledge. The goal of the movement is to get one million signatures to deliver to the UN Talks in Paris in December of 2015.

Sign the Pledge and Take Action here.

“It Takes One Person To Start A Revolution - But it Takes Everybody To Be The Revolution!"
- Itzcuauhtli

Watch the video that started the movement.

Click here to sign the Pledge!

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