Togo 2014 Youth Projects Include Sanitation and Reforestation

March 3, 2014

Youth Camps scheduled for 2014 in Togo include sanitation projects and reforestation, incorporating the arts to teach young people the value of caring for the planet.

Togo, a narrow strip of land on Africa's west coast, has for years been the target of criticism over its human rights record and political governance. Lomé, with a population of 837,437, is the capital and largest city of Togo. Located on the Gulf of Guinea, Lomé is the country's administrative and industrial center and its chief port. COE Chapter Leader in Togo, Samuel Ayivi, lives in Lomé and recently sent a report letter. He also shared requests for assistance to further the projects he is pioneering in this vulnerable area. The details are below.

“I am very happy to work with Children Of the Earth and thank you very much for accepting me as your representative in Togo.” - Samuel Ayivi



  • On April 22-26 COE Togo will host a Youth Camp focusing on Sanitation and Waste Management. The purpose of this project is to promote a healthy environment in the areas of Kpalimé , Lomé, Vogan and other villages. Youth volunteers will participate in collecting garbage in public places and posting signage to discourage illegal dumping. Leaders are also planning a brainstorm session to discuss simple “green” living choices that each volunteer can take into his or her home.
  • On August 1-7 COE Togo will host a Reforestation and Animation Camp for children and youth in the Lomé area. Volunteers will clear parcels to be reforested and then plant seedlings. Leaders plan to utilize this gathering to educate farmers about the dangers of uncontrolled bush fires and deforestation. To promote ecotourism, volunteers also plan to create brochures, signs and posters mapping out the hiking trails in the village areas.
  • Leaders in Togo are developing a new project to address the water crisis in the Lomé area where 75% of children die from the lack of clean drinking water. The accessible water sources are heavily polluted leading to life threatening diseases; primarily cholera. Many villages make use of rivers as their drinking water and consequently the problem of water pollution and lack of clean water sources is alarming. COE Togo hopes to build latrines and water pumps to make clean water accessible to all people in this area of western Africa. This is only possible through donations to this project.


  • $200 for T-shirts for volunteers to promote team building and advertising for the COE Togo organization.
  • $500 for Advertising, signage and printing.
  • $10,000 for 10 latrines and 5 water pumps plus a computer and video camera to facilitate training and advertising to reach more youth.

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