Diversity Rocks! Video Wins 1st Choice Award!

September 18, 2013

The committee of the Education Peace Team at the UN selected Burlington youth group’s video title “Diversity Rocks” to broadcast on Peace Day Global Broadcast. The local group describes themselves as a group of multi-cultural youth committed to a better future for themselves, their communities, and the next generation. The youth group will be participating in COE’s “Peace Education Training” and have become an official COE Vermont chapter!

The annual Peace Day Global Broadcast celebrates the United Nations International Day of Peace. The Broadcast streams live from the United Nations and on more than 2,000 websites around the world promoting the vitally important work of the UN and its humanitarian agencies, and organizations working for peace, the environment, human rights and social and economic justice.

Who We Are:
We are a community of multicultural youth who speak multiple languages, practice different faiths, celebrate different festivals, have different cultures, yet we work together to build a better future for ourselves, our community, and for the next generations. We are an example of true Unity and youth empowerment because although we have been victims of war, violence, and inequality we still stand strong and encourage each other and help one another. We are all aiming for the same direction “to change the world for better” but how can we do this without education? We need a better world, better education, a good environment to live in and a better community that is just, equal, and sustainable. Thus we have created this video project call “I AM THE WORLD” to share our message to the world.

Our Accomplishments:
Diversity Rocks has been a group for about three years. In the past, we’ve done several community projects and have organized educational field trips, which empowered us to be active community members. 

This is what we’ve accomplished in the past years:

  1. Educational trip to Washington D.C.
  2. Attended 2012 UN Peace Day Conference
  3. Participated in Young Adult Voice Movement conference
  4. Community Service Projects
  5. Cultural Celebration

UN Training
When: Sept. 14th 2013
Where: BHS Cafeteria
Time: 12:00pm-4:00pm

UN Visit
When: Sept. 18th 2013
Pick Up: ECHO Center 1 College St, BVT
Time: 11:00pm

For more info:
Nina Meyerhof         

Director of COE 

Call: (802) 578-6990

Jeetan Khadka               

Young Adult Advisor

Call: (802) 324-7076

Jeanine Bunzigiye                      

Adult Advisor 


Call: (802) 399-4144

Youtube Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tsuIpGxOY78

Facebook Link: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Diversity-Rocks-International-Youth-Group/116115261810575

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