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July 13, 2021
Re-Member Humanity from I to We to One Children of the Earth
April 8, 2021
Children of the Earth Invites all alumnus of COE to a special COE ReunionVirtual Round table forum on the theme “Connecting the Past to the Future”   This meeting is under the auspices of Dr. Nina L Meyerhof on Sunday April 18, 2021 at 11:00 EDT/3:00 pm GMT.   Date: Sunday April 18, 2021 Time: 11:00 EDT/3:00 pm GMT. Theme: “Connecting the past to the future” Zoom Meeting ID: 571 337 9185 Meeting link: Children of the Earth inspires and unites young...
November 20, 2020
One Humanity Bakery is the first milestone of OHI vision. It will be located in the historic old city center of Oswiecim in a building donated by a second generation survivor - Haim Horowitz - which was originally his family home and a bakery. Co-working space, innovation hub, library with honorary bakery for the community’s local youth and the many visitors, will also act as a project prototype/MVP for One Humanity Institute. One Humanity Bakery is located in the historic old city center of...
One Humanity Bakery
September 19, 2020
This event has been developed with the support of the Oswiecim Mayor, the Oswiecim Governor, international leaders, community builders, visionaries, and many others who assisted in making this this notable program a reality. It will take place in an outside studio-like living room-like cafe setting, in front of the BAKERY in Oswiecim, Poland. The live program will merge with the online presence of global guests. We will honor the communal spirit by not only restoring the bakery to its original...
May 11, 2020
Dear Children of the Earth as we are all children of our earth! We are now experiencing full upheaval. It behooves us to see this major global epidemic holocaust as a global awakening of our needs and our potentials. We now have an opportunity to reorder our priorities moving from outer to deeper inner realities and realize our gratitude for all we do have in life. Our lives have purpose as we must learn that through conscious awareness we can understand that we need to love one another and are...
May 4, 2020
By Nina Meyerhof From a quiet meadow in Cambodia to the twin fountains of Manhattan, humanity’s worst moments have left scars across our landscapes and our psyches. They appear in the shape of long concrete slabs in Kigali, Rwanda, or a crooked, skeletonized dome atop Hiroshima. Reminders of past tragedies, they remain in a constant state of slow and imperceptible healing throughout history. The Holocaust is undoubtedly the largest and longest scar in modern Western history. You can trace it...
March 16, 2020
by Phil Lane Jr. Mar 10, 2019 The Sixteen Principles for building a sustainable, harmonious and prosperous world, emerged from a 50-year process of reflection, consultation and action within Indigenous communities across the Americas. They are rooted in the concerns of hundreds of Indigenous Elders, Spiritual Leaders, and Community Members, as well as in the best thinking of many non- Indigenous scholars, researchers and human and community development practitioners. As our Universe and...
January 30, 2020
Learning lab for navigating present complexity March, 25th – 27th 2020 Click here to visit the conference website to learn more.
December 11, 2019
Creating an epicenter for peace adjacent to Auschwitz When Adolf Hitler became chancellor of Germany in 1933, numerous anti-Semitic laws were enacted. Jews were forced out of government and public service jobs and banned from public schools and other public venues. By 1937, Nazis began seizing Jewish-owned properties and businesses. But it wasn’t until Kristallnacht, the fateful night of November 9–10, 1938, also known as the “Night of Broken Glass,” that Nazi policies turned violent. That...
November 26, 2019
I salute the dream that is Nina A woman of enduring esteem An ageless demeanor With grit and grace roaming the world Bold and brash A messenger of peace She is the Everywoman Humanity is her family Mother to the Children of the Earth Elevating young minds with values and vision A life of love and kindness Like St. Francis of Assisi She teaches peace wherever she goes Whatever she does She is the Everywoman                                                       stan satlin...Nov.24...


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