Free Hugs Campaign, Switzerland - What It Takes
Free Hugs (giving hugs unconditionally to people you meet on the street)
We always meet on a Saturday morning, somewhere in a big city. We circle in the middle of a public place, surrounded by the busy hasty people; we pray for a good session, for the help from above and then we start.
You feel naked, the only thing you have is your board, your open heart, and your smile. Even if the group is there, you are alone. It’s your own challenge to be in the very present, the way you are right now, with all your facets and moods!
You stand there and try to catch someone's eyes, who is just walking by. Your arms are open as your heart and you let go. Now the other person can decide whether to reject you or to return your hug and love.
The reactions are amazing and so different! People stare, run towards us and hug you in a very intimate way. People shake their head about the strange shining people with the board. Some talk for half an hour but don’t dare to hug in the end. And again and again the same question: Why do you do that? – Everyone has its own motivation; to give unconditionally. To spread love to the world! Just like that.
To make people happy!
The more open you are, the more hugs you get! After two hours, the group goes to a place to digest and exchange its experiences. Everyone is filled up with love, energy and satisfaction.
by Sarah Steineman