April 2012 Newsletter

"I offer you peace. I offer you love. I offer you friendship. I see your beauty. I hear your need. I feel your feelings. My wisdom flows from the Highest Source. I salute that Source in you. Let us work together for unity and love."

~ Mahatma Gandhi



Reunion Guatemala  

Join a group of international youth activists in a transformational learning experience. Spiritual elders with youth visionaries assemble.

The call is: Inner Revolution for the Outer Evolution! 
(All you need is your airfare.)


Dream of Adam
and Eve

By Franziska Bolt


She stands upright, showing

herself in all her greatness 
For she does not fear her  
own strength anymore



She is a courageous and
wise Companion

Since she ceased 
subjugating to Man and
punishing him for it at the
same time


She is free because she
stopped blaming the
And let go of her role as


She is beautiful as she
carefully treasures the secret
of life n her womb
She loves to tend without
being submissive because she has found her new


She is naturally gracious
As she uses her mental
brilliance in connectedness
with all forms of existence


She is the powerful
Caretaker of the Earth
because she knows about
the fragility of ecosystems
And how to keep their


She is a Priestess of the
Universe because she knows
about the different aspects of reality
And the unity of all things


She is passionate, devoted
and independent
Because she has understood
the essence of her Femininity


She is beloved, inspiring
Muse because she knows
how to satisfy the longing of
To be touched in his very


She is Queen because she
teaches Man
How to enter the new land
of the awakening Heart by
her side.

He is loved for leading
without insisting on his
He is honored for being
Master without suppressing
He is powerful by honor and
generosity, reconciled with
his wild strength

Relieved from the guilt which burdened his shoulders for so long, he walks upright in new dignity


He is wise because he knows that he does not always know best
He can show his talents and skills without continuously wanting to be the greatest
He is beautiful because he does not need to kill anymore to prove his strength
He is playful, creative, passionate, because he turned from a soldier into an Ambassador of Light


He has the courage to follow his longing
He strives for the stars on his discovery quest, embedded in the rhythms of existence
He is benevolent, compassionate and tender without fearing his vulnerability
He loves his Manliness because he has found his heart


He is not afraid of Woman anymore because he knows who he is
He has understood that, through his loving support, Woman can give birth to the New Earth
He is King because he has the greatness to serve
He is free because he has liberated his Queen.





Emmanuel Jal We Want Peace


Rosie's Blog


Singing with Children Project


2012 State of the Children UNICEF Report


Joanna Macy The Great Turning


Generation Waking Up NEW Video


Youth in Action in Pakistan -
My Story of Generosity


By Ashfaque Qureshi, COE chapter leader Sukkur Pakistan 


When you are met with difficulty from others what do you do? Here is what the humanitarian call is all about. In Pakistan, Ashfaque Qureshi is responding each day with his heart, mind, and hands. Spirituality in action!




Spreading Education in Pakistan

Ash Literacy Center By Ashfaque Qureshi, COE chapter leader Sukkur Pakistan


The call to educate children and youth in Pakistan was a big change in the life of COE Chapter Leader, Ashfaque Qureshi. Read how he is engaging in the process and what challenges he faces. This only strengthens him and he is happy to share his learning with you all.




Map of Togo

News from Togo


By Samuel Ayivi


COE Togo speaks out about their passions and path to change in Kouvé and the country. read more about what went on.




Youth Rising for Peace Global Summit

Youth Rising for Peace banner

By Corina Simon


Youth speaking out about their peace work, giving hope, inspiration and working methods for others to follow on their steps and work cooperatively. Recordings are available at the website of the initiators, the Shift Network.




Teachers' Education for Value Based Education in India


Nina in India

By Nina Meyerhof


700 teachers and educators gathered in New Delhi India for value based education. A few of the Children of the Earth educators, youth and elder, have joined to share our experiences.




Gathering of Elders in Haridwar


Nina with Sadhu By Nina Meyerhof


Respect your elders goes a famous principle. In India this has certainly occurred in a grand way. Elders of COE have been honored with their participation. We thank them for their life work.





Gandhi's Home

By Nina Meyerhof


A short visit to Gandhi's home, impressions, feelings and thoughts from the experience of the COE Founder, Dr. Nina Meyerhof.




Joining Forces for Education


By Jessie Murray, COE Intern, Burlington, Vermont


Cooperation between youth and children across the world in support for primary basic education. Read what young hands can do if they set their minds to loving one another as global friends.




Children of the Earth Scotland The Belong Project


The Belong Project

By Lucy Thomas


The Belong project is us refusing to turn a blind eye to the fact that it has become normal for human beings of all ages (including us) to spend large parts of our day sat in front of a screen. Rather than accept it as 'how things are' we re motivated to ask 'why' and do some poking about with a view to finding alternative views to the ones screens can offer.




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