A Day of Giving

December 21, 2012

On 21.12.12, the day our beautiful world was supposed to end, we decided to spread the spirit of giving amongst those in need. Our aim was to establish the fact that as long as there is goodness on this Earth, there will be life and prosperity. Once we lose these values, our life becomes meaningless.

The venue of our event was in the city of Abu Dhabi, a 2 hour drive from Dubai, where I live. We visited a women’s labour accommodation which houses several hundred women. All of women work as cleaners in various buildings, helping them to keep them clean and providing service with a smile.

Christmas for them would be very lonely, as they had left their families back home in order to earn their living.

Our purpose was to serve those who serve us! We spent the afternoon packing the food and gift bags, and as the sun set we drove to the camp.

We set up tables loaded with food, cakes and juices. While we served them, we sang carols to usher in the festivities. In between serving them, I played the guitar to liven things up.

There were surprise gifts for all – mainly items which the women wanted but would not spend their money on.

It was a day for all of us to cherish and remember.

By Kehkashan Basu

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