Help Rainbow Children Home Nepal Build a Well
The Rainbow Children Home in Nepal is dedicated to providing the orphaned, poor and marginalized children of Nepal with nutritious food, clean water, quality education and most importantly a loving, secure family and home. RCH is hoping to build a water well so they do not have purchase water during the winter. They are hoping to raise $3,200 to build the well. You can help here:

United for a Culture of Peace
February 14, 2013
COE attended the "United for a Culture of Peace through Interfaith Harmony" event and ushered the Junior Four Chorus of the United Nations International School for their performance before the UN General Assembly. The children performed songs titled "Shalom," "Assalam Alaykum Wa Alayna / May I Be an Instrument of Peace," and "Bwana Awabariki." The children captivated the audience and were lead by Ms. Sharon Tan, a dynamo at musical direction. UN Ambassadors and world spiritual leaders spoke about unity through oneness and provided prayers for our world. The event was concluded with a magnificent flag ceremony and invoked a message of peace for all UN Member States.
Oameni pentru Pace: Nina Meyerhof
Special article on Nina Meyerof in Romania.
12.12.12 - Once in a Century, Once in My Lifetime

I am very excited and happy to share what I did on this special day. With some friends from my school in Dubai, I went to Abu Dhabi and planted a tree in my name. Afterwards we all engaged in a Clean Up UAE drive.
This is a critical time in our world. Our youth require our support more than ever before to inspire them in taking action towards the future that they are destined to create. Your contribution will assist us to continue our work with youth leaders all over the world to inspire and equip them to live meaningful lives by assisting to become social change agent and spiritual activists.
We recently added the ability for you to sign up to make a recurring donation to COE. Pledge your monthly support!
COE Leaders Nominated for Shift Innovation Awards
Congratulations to COE leaders Ashfaque Hussain, Kehkashan Basu, Divine Ntiokam, Simran Vedvyas and Mark Conrad Ravanzo who, along with former COE participant leader Yuka Saionji, were all nominated for aShift Innovation Awards. Jesse has moved on to be a finalist in the awards while Ashfaque, Kehkashan, Divine, Simran and Mark were offered full scholarships to James O'Dea's Cultivating Peace Method training. READ MORE
COE Offers Partnership for Sandy Hook Peace Education Program
The tragedy that took place at Sandy Hook Elementary this past December was devastating beyond words. 26 lives were taken by senseless violence. There have been calls to tear down this elementary school, to try and lessen the deep pain the families and community. Yet how does tearing down the edifice truly lessen the hurt? Even more so, how does it honor those who lost their lives? Newtown resident and a Connecticut team leader for the Peace Alliance, Veronica Marr has challenged that to truly honor the memory of those slain, the school should be turned in to a center for Peace Education. READ MORE
2012 Marks the 10th Anniversary of COE in Africa
To celebrate 10 years in Africa, we hope to convene a COE Africa meeting in 2013. It would be an Anniversary Celebration and Renewal! If you are interested in helping to develop this event, please get in touch with Shelley Shane at
A Day of Giving in UAE

Kehkashan Basu, UAE Hub leader, spends 21.12.12 spreading the spirit of giving by delivering food and gift bags to a women's labour accommodation in Dubai. "Our aim was to establish the fact that as long as there is goodness on this Earth, there will be life and prosperity."
Interfaith Harmony among the COE World Children
Children from around the world within the organization of Children of the Earth have come together since 1990. They come together from all lands and all religions. They come from most unusual circumstances such as war torn Sierra Leone to out-casted Native Americans from upstate NY to Mongolian orphan youth from the former USSR. All coming to learn, to live and to love.
Simran Vedvyas, UAE Chapter Leader, Launches SynergY Initiative
SynergY - Socially Yearning Network for Environment, Reach-out, Growth Youth - is an initiative started by UAE Chapter Leader Simran Vedvyas. It consists of a group of young students from various institutions across UAE that have been working with the sole purpose to support various environmental projects. Read more about their work planting trees during UAE National Environment Week.
Togo Summer Camp Report

Karoline and Princess (COE Chapter Leader Nigeria) were invited by Samuel AYIVI, COE Chapter Leader in Togo, in West Africa to participate in a young people's camp organized in Kouvé last August 2012. Many members of COE and others took part in the activities of the event such as music, sports, and teachings on the Divine Names of God, and environment.
Children of the Earth Netherlands Education Dialogue

In the recent past the credit crisis, financial scandals and corrupt behavior in financial markets have led to a growing interest in ethical behavior in society. As a consequence of the financial, economic and moral crisis companies are becoming more and more aware of the societal costs of thinking only in terms of short term profits. READ MORE
Restoring the Ganges with Swami and Patrick
S. Patrick McCollum and H. H. Puja Swami Saraswati set an example for one hundred million people at the center of the Kumbh Mela on how to restore the beauty of the sacred Ganges River by personally mucking trash. Pilgrims seeing their example, joined them and soon a mile of the Sangam was cleaned in an hour.
Reflections on Kumbha Mela

My first view of Kumbha Mela was from a high bridge over the Ganges River. As far as the eye could see, there were colorful domed tents, temple structures, people moving about, even elephants walking slowly in the distance. This is the largest spiritual gathering on earth. For thousands of years, devotees have gathered here at the confluence of three sacred rivers. READ MORE
Seasons Greetings from Nepal!
This morning I was with my colleagues at our Office and we were joined by Nima (who now has a baby), Sonam and Chiring. We all talked about what a great time we all had in the May of 2011. One of the most beautiful moments and a time full of blessings we experienced. The journey that started from the troubled Kathmandu all the way up to the Lama and being welcomed by the community members presenting us their traditions are not moments we can easily replicate here. We are forever thankful for the opportunity to create such a special moment which was impossible without your support, love and guidance.