A human being is part of a whole, called by us "universe" - a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest...a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.
Albert Einstein
At the Paris GCGI Conference, COE youth Rosie Waygood and Princess Ukaga met with Professor T. Sluszkiewicz of Munich, Germany. He has been working on this video that shows the power that 10 min. a day of meditation can make. Check it out!

Click here to watch
the video
Global Oneness Day was created to heal the illusion of separation that has such a powerful grip on the Earth. Even though scientists and notables have been sharing for some time that everything is connected, we are one, the world's institutions, organizations and cultures are based almost entirely on separation and this has created the chronic and acute problems we see in every sphere of society. When we see we are One it leads us out because Oneness creates a culture of solidarity and a culture of solidarity creates compassionate service to each other and the world around us. Children of the Earth, the United Nations, Humanity's Team, The Association for Global New Thought and NGO's around the world are calling for an awakened world, a culture of solidarity and a compassionate and sustainable Earth.
Global Oneness Day is on Thursday, October 24th.
COE Europe Facebook Group
New group for COE in EU. Stay connect with your fellow members in Europe
COE Facebook Page
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COE Twitter Page
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COE Netherlands Blog
SynergY UAE Blog
FORS Romania Blog
This is a critical time in our world. Our youth require our support more than ever before to inspire them in taking action towards the future that they are destined to create. Your contribution will assist us to continue our work with youth leaders all over the world to inspire and equip them to live meaningful lives by assisting to become social change agent and spiritual activists.
We recently added the ability for you to sign up to make a recurring donation to COE. Pledge your monthly support!

Children of the Earth Ghana is hosting "One Peaceful Africa: Ghana Gathering 2013" from 25-27 October, 2013
This conference is the first One Peaceful Africa regional gathering, to be followed by future conferences in other parts of the African continent. Children of the Earth has chapters and hubs in many countries in Africa, and the One Peaceful Africa regional gatherings will serve to strengthen their connection to each other.
All youth are welcome to attend. Please spread the word!
Youth from all over Africa will be attending the conference, which will be held at the Methodist Youth Center in Aburi, Ghana. International participants from other parts of the world are encouraged to join us in Ghana.
The program will feature a training on the Children of the Earth Handbook: Pioneering Spiritual Activism, as well as presentations by participants on topics relevant to the conference's three core concepts: (1) Peace, (2) Conflict Resolution and (3) Leadership.
Registration for the program is FREE.
COE Chapter Leader Awarded for Museum Disability Rights Action
Rodica Pop, head of the Romanian COE chapter was awarded one of 7 prizes for Best Practices by the International Council of Museums (ICOM) for her advocacy on the behalf of youth with disabilities. She was given this award when she attended the Conference for the Committee for Education and Cultural Action, which is a branch of ICOM. The project for which Rodica won the award was called The Joy of Touching
COE Members Attend the International Day of Peace in NYC
The United Nations marked the International Day of Peace with a call to invest in education that encourages children to embrace global citizenship based on the values of tolerance and diversity; and Children of the Earth representatives were engaged participants. To mark the day, COE recruited youth ambassadors, board members, and volunteers to serve as attendants for the annual Peace Bell ceremony. COE representatives acted as flag bearers representing the 193 United Nations. Children of the Earth ambassadors traveled from Nepal, Nigeria, Israel, and from all across America to join with members of the Vermont Chapter of COE, Diversity Rocks, in New York City.
Inside conference room number one, hundreds of youth from around the world gathered to listen as Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, UN Messenger of Peace, Dr. Jane Goodall, UN Youth Champion, Monique Coleman and several other distinguished speakers cast the vision for quality education for all childrenacross the world. Mr. Ban recalled the words of Malala Yousafzai, the Pakistani schoolgirl and youth activist shot by the Taliban for attending classes: "one teacher, one book, one pen, can change the world." Three
COE representatives joined the panel of young people -sharing their projects for peace and calling to action world nations to join in efforts to reduce poverty, end hunger, recover wasted potential and build better societies for all.
Diversity Rocks! Video Wins 1st Choice Award for Peace Day Broadcast
The committee of the Education Peace Team at the UN selected Burlington youth group's video title "I am the World" to be broadcast during the Peace Day Global Broadcast. The local group describes themselves as a group of multi-cultural youth committed to a better future for themselves, their communities, and the next generation. The youth group will be participating in COE's "Peace Education Training" and have become a COE Vermont chapter!
COE Spiritual Activism Training in Vermont
September 23rd through 26th 2013 - An intimate group of Children of the Earth staff, volunteers, alumni youth and I gathered in the living room of a beautiful lake house on the shore of Lake Champlain in Burlington, Vermont for the first COE "Train the Trainers" facilitation.
Europie Festival-Forum in Toulouse, France
Europie is an event that carries the message of solidarity, engagement in civil society, and youth empowerment. All over the world the youth are becoming more visible, from the Arab Spring to the Indignados movement, from Occupy Wall Street to the protests of the Chilean students. The youth have the potential to be a strong force in society. For a couple of days, we came together in a self-managed space where workshops, theatre and debates will take place, as well as concerts, informal discussions and collective cooking.
COE Speaks at the Globalisation for the Common Good Initiative's 11th International Annual Conference
In August Nina Meyerhof, Princess Ochegi Ukaga, Rosie Waygood, Katrina Aung-Sumalin, Luc Logan, Mark Harris and Saskia Troy went to the Globalization for the Common Good Conference held at Cite Universitaire International in the metropolis Paris. The Globalization for the Common Good Initiative is the UK's leading progressive think tank in the field of globalization, democracy, social justice, governance and sustainability. COE members were part of a panel titled Making the Shift: Education encouraging Leadership for the Common Good
Celebrating the International Day of Peace in Pakistan
Every year the Organization for Peace and Development (OPD) observes the International Day of Peace with the students and teachers of Friends Public School in Youhanabad Lahore. Mr. Jahangir Piara, Executive Director OPD, Mr. Nisar Johnson Consultant NGO's, and Mr. Ashraf Rehmat Principal Friends Public Students spoke about the importance of peace and social harmony.
Saskia Troy (Netherlands) Member of Core Adjudication Team of the NS Publieksprijs for the Book of the Year
It's been a great honor to have been chosen as a member of the core adjudication team of the NS Publieksprijs for the Book of the Year. The NS Publieksprijs is a literary award for the Book of the Year within the Netherlands (which can also be a translated work). As a member of the core adjudication team I will be a protector of and a participant within the adjudication process, as well as an ambassador of the voting for the NS Publieksprijs 2013. - Photo by Chris van Houts
Rainbow Children's Home in Nepal Needs Your Help to Sponsor a Child's Education
In August, the Government of Nepal and some other NGO's who monitor child labor around Pokhara Municipality discovered a young girl of 8 years old working on a pig farm. Her father had died and her mother re-married and left her behind. Rainbow Children's Home would like to bring her to the school so she can be given an education and her health needs can be addressed.
Teej (Women's) Festival Celebrated at Rainbow Children's Home in Nepal
Every September in Nepal there is a big festival called Teej or Women's Festival. The celebration stretches over multiple days and includes many activities such as dancing, singing, get togethers and parties but this festival is only for the women and girls. Teej was celebrated on September 4th at Rainbow Children's Home. Delicious food was cooked while the women and girls spent the day dancing.