Join in the Summer
of Peace!

The Summer of Peace: Transforming Conflict in Your Heart, Your Relationships and Your World.
The Summer of Peace is a free online event presented by the Shift Network June 13 through September 21.
July 22nd features a number of COE members and alumni.
Click here to access the full schedule in your local time.
September 14, 2014
Spirituality & Peace Sunday: Changing the Narrative, Creating a New Story for a Peaceful & Sustainable World with COE Board Member Rev. Patrick McCollum
September 16, 2014
SHIFTING Youth efforts to Building Peace with COE founder Nina Meyerhof
September 22, 2014
Next Generation Series with COE Alumni Yuka Saionji
Making Peace Your Life's Work with COE Alumni Yuka Saionji
Youth and Peace in Africa with Nigeria Chapter leader Princess Ndikom Ukaga Ogechi

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Digital download. Plus Portraits of Sustainable Youth Leaders around the World.
On May 14th, Sri Tathāta, a great Vedic master from India on his first visit to New York, came to the UN for Wesak. Sri Tathāta spoke about his Divine mission to bring to Earth the light that heralds a new era of peace according to the Dharma.
Sri Tathāta spoke through a translator; he said how necessary it was that all those having an awaken consciousness should contribute to the coming of a better world and this by using their power of intention especially in group and at special times of connection with higher energies.

Nina at the Evolutionary Leaders Retreat

Little Nina
COE Member names daughter after COE's founder.

Missions Radio Podcast with Nina

Podcast from Missions Radio: "Fostering Legacy: Monitoring the Progress of Implementing The Legacy of A Better Community For All" (ABC4All)
"I have been doing this work for over 40 years. My total passion and commitment is to help create a better world. I do that with the knowledge and the understanding that young people are not only the inheritors but they are the next evolution of consciousness that is emerging here. . ."
- Interview with Dr. Nina Meyerhof, Founder of Children of the Earth
Living Peace Festival in Cairo
A project involving 25,000 children belonging to 200 schools from 136 cities in 103 countries.
More than 25,000 students from all over the world are involved in the Living Peace project.
This is a critical time in our world. Our youth require our support more than ever before to inspire them in taking action towards the future that they are destined to create. Your contribution will assist us to continue our work with youth leaders all over the world to inspire and equip them to live meaningful lives by assisting to become social change agent and spiritual activists.
We recently added the ability for you to sign up to make a recurring donation to COE. Pledge your monthly support!
Wisdom of the Heart - Songs to Inspire Transcendence and Peace
Musical Collection CD by Children of the Earth and participants in its teaching
Breathe in the beauty of musical transcendence through international energies from Reggae to Rock to Jazz and Easy Listening. This collection of songs represent people from around the world who have experienced the teaching of Children of the Earth and have given us their voice to join with others in this collection.
Accomplished celebrities, including Tina Turner of international fame, with Regula Curti and Dechen Shak-Dagsay, and from Nepal, Yash Kumar; join with other wonderfully talented individuals to rejoice in the gifts and training Children of the Earth provides.
Each month we are going to introduce you to the artists here, in our newsletter, through an intimate interview sharing how working for peace around the world has inspired such musical artistry.
Proceeds support Children of the Earth and many international projects of peace to which Children of the Earth participants are dedicated.
Listen and rejoice with them.
COE's Noah Miller Brings Arab and Jewish Kids Together Through Lacrosse
Noah Miller is a Burlington, Vermont native who went through the COE Spiritual Activism training and is now using the skills he learned to bring Arab and Jewish kids in Israel together through the sport of Lacrosse. The multiculutural team he put together is now competing at the World championships in Denver.
"To see Arab and Jewish kids celebrating a win together really seemed that this shared experience really showed a bridging between the cultural, the religious and all of the opposing narratives of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict," Miller said. "It's amazing how you see these snapshots in time when you see a sport speak to them and really helps to bridge the divide in communities."
PEACE, PEACE, PEACE and forever
Peace is something we all want. We know it is more than the absence of war. We know it is a state of Being as well. We learn the words and seek the experience of inner peace for the road to world peace. Yet, what is this nebulous peace? With so many wars, confrontations, challenges and competitions, how do we ever even learn to live this word PEACE?
First and foremost, what are the appropriate words to describe what PEACE would look like? How would we know when we saw this in our lives? What does PEACE feel like? If you walked into a store or sat at a table for dinner, how would peace look differently than your present behavior? Recently I believe I began to understand the true meaning of seeking PEACE.
ICT Classes for Peace in West Africa Announces First Class of Graduates
Femi Receives Meritorious Service Award from the Nigerian Government
As a contribution to the 30 communities in Ahiazu Mbaise LGA, Imo State, Nigeria, I started an ICT (Information and communications technology) training aimed at fortifying young people in the local area with necessary ICT skills to meet the demand for such skills and knowledge in the global environment.
Due to Femi's work to bring computer training and peace education to the communities in Imo state, the Nigerian government has honoured him with a Meritorious Service Award.
Femi used his own earnings to finance the programme and brought about great impact in the state at a time when young people are restless and violent. The next training programme has already begun and Femi is hoping to raise some funds for the project so that he can reach over 500 young people in the region.
Spirit of Humanity Forum
"This group was willing to collapse hierarchy for mutual respect and appreciation there to learn the potentials of
love and compassion and how to extend this into the
field of governance."
The second "Spirit of Humanity Forum entitled, "The Power of Love and Compassion in Governance: Sharing Actions for Effective Change" took place in Reykjavik, Iceland on April 10th -12th, 2014. The focus of the forum was to explore the potential of love and compassion in bringing about effective change through governance and leadership.
This wonderful conference was filled with the most extraordinary people, all fairly prestigious and coming from a variety of fields of professions but all be willing to truly integrate into a unified whole. This group was willing to collapse hierarchy for mutual respect and appreciation there to learn the potentials of love and compassion and how to extend this into the field of governance.
World Conference on Youth 2014
The World Conference on Youth 2014 was held in Colombo, Sri Lanka earlier this year in May and was one of the largest congregation of youth leaders after Rio+20. Its cross cutting theme was "mainstreaming youth in the Post 2015 development agenda." It was a huge honor to be invited to attend this path breaking summit. It was also a great feeling to be the youngest delegate at this conference.
Princess Ukaga Needs Your Help! Bombing in Abuja
"My dear friends,
Please pray for my country. This morning there was a bomb blast in Abuja. Many poor lives were taken aways from their loves ones. Let the world know it is very bad."
Scores of people have been killed in a bombing at a crowded bus station on the outskirts of Nigeria's capital.
Please lift up the Earth's children that are grieving today in Nigeria. COE is collecting donations so Princess can deliver food and basic supplies to mothers and children.
2014 Conflict Resolution Education Conference

After a wave of June storms swept through the D.C. area, Dr. Nina Meyerhof (President) and Kelly G. Ramer (training coordinator) arrived into the thick summer air that carried the weighty smell of lush vegetation, not exactly what you might expect arriving in the capital of the dominating world power. Yet acutely fitting for the intentions of sharing COE's mission with academic counterparts at the upcoming conference; amid institutional stalwarts the fertile ground for planting seeds and building connection awaits.
Simran Receives John Muir Award
Dubai-based young environmental activist Simran Vedvyas received global recognition for her efforts as a John Muir Association honored her with the prestigious Youth Environmental Conservation Award. She was chosen for the 36th annual John Muir Conservation Award for her exemplary work that has both a local and global outreach.
Inter-School Event in Helambu, Nepal

Jimmy Lama from Nepal recently organized a huge inter-school event for 20 schools and 400 children. The event took place in Helambu, Nepal over the course of three days. Children came from many different villages to share space, become friends and take part in different sporting events such as badminton and high jump.