New Language of Universal Spirituality - Schweibenalp

February 2, 2017

from Sundar Robert Dreyfus

Dear friends, sisters and brothers,

Together with a core group of about 26 spiritual leaders, teachers and healers from all over the planet I will meet and work experimentally beyond form, words and status to explore and encourage the emergence of a “new language of Universal Spirituality”.
This group will meet for three days of attunement and creative visioning after which we will open it for the weekend for an additional 180 sisters and brothers, colleagues, friends and students to join us in this experiment of alignment, attunement and realization. I am inviting you to participate in this weekend.

The essence of the dream inspiring the core group was the following:

Transcending the "Individual Way and Particular Tradition” we are being called to give birth to a blueprint of a new and encompassing UNIVERSAL SPIRITUAL CONSCIOUSNESS waiting to reveal and express itself.
United in the transcending experience of non-Duality a new star is born, rooted in collective wisdom prior to all plurality. We are looking for the emergence of a vision and matrix, growing from our deep sharing of openness, stillness and inspiration. This will enlighten us to a global “language” of wisdom and unconditional love.
We will begin in the not-knowing, sitting in a circle, rooted in silence. We will be honouring each other’s unique gifts of spiritual truths. In pure presence from moment to moment we will use simple powerful means of communication with each other in “Prior Unity” to amplify the spiritual field. This will allow the emergence of a next “Holon”, expressed as “Universal Spirituality” a next step in the evolution of humanity

The core group of women and men are invited from the North and the South, Eastern, Western and indigenous traditions as well as non-traditions. It consists so far of:

Annette Kaiser, Barbara Marx Hubbard, Connie Buffalo, Desiree and James Hurtak, Jean Houston, Master Li Jung Feng and Li Jing, Sri M, Macaco Tamerice, Marcia and Jack Prager, Manitonquat, Mike Booth, Grandmother Nah Kin, Nana Apeadu, Nina Meyerhof, Patrick Ku, Patrick McCollum, Ringu Tulku Rinpoche, Sadhu Maharaja, Sidi Brahim Tidjani, Stephen Fulder, Sundar Robert Dreyfus, Ulrike Hobbs-Scharner and Visolela Namises.

The larger group, limited to 180 participants, will meet from the 8th to the 10th of September 2017. Early registration is necessary as all the approx. 25 teachers are inviting their friends and students.

Over the coming year, you are going to be informed about issues of form and content.

Date & Place:
8th to 10th September 2017 at Schweibenalp, 3855 Brienz, Switzerland. We will start at 4 p.m. on September 8th and finish at 6 p.m. on September 10th.

Contribution to cover expenses:
CHF 380. In addition we welcome any sponsoring for the event.

Food and lodging for the whole event:

Single room - CHF 280.00
Bed in double room  - CHF 250.00
Room with 3-4 beds - CHF 220.00
Group accomodation (5-10) - CHF 190.00
Tent - CHF 160.00

Participants will be housed for the two nights at the same price either at Schweibenalp, at hotels in Brienz and or at Villa Unspunnen in Wilderswil. You can apply according to your preference which we will follow as long as space is available. Car owners residing outside Schweibenalp and willing to transport others back and forth will have a daily reduction of CHF 10.- from Brienz (15 minutes) and CHF 15.- from Villa Unspunnen (25 minutes).

Please register until 1st March 2017 with:
Centre of Unity Schweibenalp
CH – 3855 Brienz, Switzerland


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