Children of the Earth's Humanitarian Volunteering Mission in Togo

October 19, 2018


Children of the Earth's Humanitarian Volunteering Mission is a response to the professorial desert in rural areas and some cities. We appeal to you because many children, still today, stay at home for lack of teachers and if one of them is on sick leave, he is never replaced. Children can sometimes spend one or two years without any teaching in a subject. It is a real suffering and a disaster in education.

Description of the mission

The teaching mission allows volunteers to transmit real knowledge (French, English, mathematics, science, geography, civic education ...) to children and gives children a chance to succeed in their school year.
Volunteers usually work within:

  • primary schools
secondary schools (colleges)

Desired profile

Mission for any volunteer who wants to help children in their schooling. You teachers, future teachers, retirees, anyone in retraining ... it is the place to engage, share knowledge and experiences with others. It is also an opportunity to see how teaching happens in other places.

More informations

Countries of action: Togo, Africa

Minimum Duration: 4 weeks / 1 Month

Maximum Duration: 12 weeks / 3 Months

Mission Availability: All Year 2018-2019


In Africa, there are many children who do not have the chance to discover art as a pedagogical tool and reinforcement of education. Thus Children of the Earth launches the "Art and Children" project to give a passion, to amuse and stimulate the artistic side of the children. It is a project of formation, teaching, cultural exchange, discovery for the children and to allow the volunteers to express themselves through the art.

Description of the mission

  • Volunteers at first will follow an accelerated training in (drawing, batik, jewelry making ...). Then they will give art introductory classes on a voluntary basis to children in orphanages and reception centers. Entertainment will also be part of it.
  • During the stay volunteers will receive African dance classes with a specialized school.

More informations

Countries of action: Togo, Africa

Duration: 3 weeks

Mission Availability: Summer 2019


Having health means that the body, the morale and the reason are in good condition today, but in developing countries this is not the case. Being in poor health causes pain, can prevent work and in the worst case result in death. Supporting health in these countries is one way to guarantee the future and the lives of thousands of people in need. Children of the Earth through volunteers provides support to medical teams in clinics, hospitals or clinics and, above all, improves patient care and follow-up.

Description of the mission

Each health mission or course is tailored to the experience and interests of the trainee, and also takes into account requests for the welcoming structure. Our medical internships allow volunteers to discover the health realities in developing countries and can be invaluable in your preparation for a medical or paramedical career. The work of volunteers consists of: Patient reception, primary care, maternity help, pharmacy help, patient awareness ...

Desired profile

Our internships and volunteering missions in the field of health are intended for students in general medicine, nursing or caregiver, who want to learn, share knowledge and help. If you are a confirmed health professional (doctor, nurse, midwife) you will be welcome.

More informations

Countries of action: Togo, Africa

Minimum Duration: 4 weeks / 1 Month

Maximum Duration: 12 weeks / 3 Months
Mission Availability: All Year


Our mission to the orphanage is to have the opportunity to bring some sun to children in reception centers where staff struggle with limited resources to feed, clothe and educate children properly. Unfortunately, the staff does not have enough time to provide all the individual love and care these children need.

Description of the mission

To help improve their daily lives, our volunteers have a vital role in helping local staff with everyday tasks but also and especially taking the time to set up different activities:

  • Organize sporting, playful or didactic workshops with kindergarten children
  • Give tutoring lessons to the biggest in the afternoons
  • Take care of nurses who are only a few months old and need attention

  • Provide moral support in case the volunteer is a specialized educator

  • Devote individual time to children to stimulate their development.

Desired profile

Mission for students, educators, retirees, any volunteer who wants to help children in their daily lives. Participating in this mission is an opportunity to show your love to children and to transmit the values ​​of life.

More informations

Countries of action: Togo, Africa

Minimum Duration: 4 weeks / 1 Month

Maximum Duration: 12 weeks / 3 Months

Availability of the mission: Throughout the year

You will perform a mission in the educational field. You have a very important role because your passage in Africa will have an impact on everyone you have taught. You supervise the children from 3 to 6 years in accompaniment of the mistress already present. The kindergarten class in Togo is more often seen as a daycare than as a clean education. There are many values ​​to be passed on from an early age.

Description of the mission

Thus, your role will be to organize the day to ritualize the lives of children to create stable benchmarks, if this has not already been put in place. Then bring new activities to participate in the awakening of children in:

hygiene education
learning about community life
- the discovery of the human body
- learning to write
the discovery of shapes and colors

  • singing, mime, painting, drawing, collage and cutting ...

Desired profile

Mission proposed to students, animators confirmed, any volunteer wanting to live something else, it's time .. Anyone in conversion can also join us because it is the place to share his knowledge and experiences with others.

More informations

Countries of action: Togo, Africa

Minimum Duration: 4 weeks / 1 Month

Maximum Duration: 12 weeks / 3 Months

Availability of the mission: all year 2019

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