One Humanity Bakery
One Humanity Bakery is the first milestone of OHI vision.
It will be located in the historic old city center of Oswiecim in a building donated by a second generation survivor - Haim Horowitz - which was originally his family home and a bakery. Co-working space, innovation hub, library with honorary bakery for the community’s local youth and the many visitors, will also act as a project prototype/MVP for One Humanity Institute.
One Humanity Bakery is located in the historic old city center of Oswiecim. This was donated by a second generation survivor. It was originally his family home and a bakery. It will serve as a co-working space and innovation hub for the community’s local youth and the many visitors.
OHI hopes to acquire the neighboring house to renovate it for office space and a bed and breakfast inn for up to 40 guests.
What Makes the Bakery Distinctive
It will serve as a catalyst for Oswiecim to release the city from the shadow of Auschwitz and help to transform it into an instrument of peace. The people from Oswiecim will be able to ‘re-member’ themselves into a prosperous life, lifting their future opportunities. OH Bakery experience will be a symbol of creating a thriving global community that illustrates our highest potential.