REFLECT is the journey that we take to awaken the inner self. The path may include
meditation, contemplation, and/or prayer. As we become still, we hear the inner calling of our authentic self and experience personal purpose.

CONNECT bridges the perceived gap between self and others and leads to unity. Through deep compassion and listening, conflict transcendence and non-violent communication,
we learn that it is possible to live in harmony, and thus we weave the interconnectedness of our family worldwide.
ACT is taking the inspired will to serve others in the world through individual actions,
local projects and global work These acts are based on spiritual principles and ethics of Spiritual Activism.
*Woodcut designs by
native Filipino artist, Jaime (Jimmy) Montero.
**If you know or have contact info regarding Jimmy Montero, please share with Marg

Beyond 2012 - Cancun
December 22 to 23, 2012
Nina will be attending the International Conference of THE ACADEMY FOR FUTURE SCIENCE in Cancun, Yucatan, Mexico. The conference will feature talks, music and meditations for Planet Earth! and a special excursion to Chichen Itza on December 21st. LEARN MORE

Awaked World 2012
October 13 to 21, 2012
Nina attended "Awakened World 2012" in Rome and Florence. The purpose was an ambitious one: to call attention to shifting paradigms in our world today- including concern for human rights and the environment - and help facilitate the religious and spiritual healing of the world. LEARN MORE
COE Member Pooja Baburaj Winner in Eco Generation Essay Contest
Abstract: What I do is not genius - it's just that I'm doing my bit to save the world as I know it. I really don't want the pretty peacocks to disappear like the dodos did. I don't want penguins to be remembered as fictitious characters from "Happy Feet". It is alarming to accept that we are unknowingly killing several other species when we leave that air conditioning on & when we don't turn the tap off while brushing our teeth.... READ MORE
Children of the Earth wouldn't exist without a passionate and dedicated group of donors. When you make a donation, you are investing in the power of young people to make change, and in the power of an innovative non-profit that works hard to support and inspire that change.
We recently added the ability for you to sign up to make a recurring donation to COE. Pledge your monthly support!
Pioneering Spiritual Activism
As you have heard, a critical tool in promoting spiritual activism has been developed by COE;
"Pioneering Spiritual Activism: A Handbook for Young Leaders".
However a handbook on a shelf does little to inspire the hearts and minds of global youth. Therefore it is critical to reach out to youth through a workshop based on this handbook. To do this Children of the Earth needs your help!
Pioneering Spiritual Activism presents a set of methods and techniques designed to consolidate spiritual growth and societal actions. The course invites youth to an 'inner revolution for social evolution'.
Our aim is to support our next generation's role of integrating spirituality into their lives. If there is to be a new leadership model for building a better global society then it must have spirituality as its base. Spirituality is the uniting force. It is the understanding that holds us together as a species, the awareness that we are interconnected and therefore must care for one another.
The course will introduce youth to the ethics, principles, and values that are the essence of COE's spiritual activism. It will equip them with a 'spiritual activist's toolkit' of methods and techniques that have proven effective for youth to create positive change in their own communities and across the world. Our Reflect - Connect - Act framework provides guidance and structure through which a group can learn together.
20 youth from around the world will be invited to participate in the 3 to 5 day training which will convey all the processes gleaned from 25 years of work around the world by Children of the Earth. COE youth leaders with an adult facilitator will offer this course of study for a group anywhere in the world. From this training, these 20 youth will go back into their communities around the world and offer training to other youth creating a ripple effect.
2012 Marks the 10th Anniversary of COE in Africa
To celebrate 10 years in Africa, we hope to convene a COE Africa meeting in 2013. It would be an Anniversary Celebration and Renewal!
If you are interested in helping to develop this event, please get in touch with Divine Ntiokam at
From Alphonso Quamele in Liberia:
"We need COE Africa 2013 in Liberia more than the large number of UN peace keepers in Liberia today. As small in population as Liberia may be, at 2.5 m, it is believed that we play host to the largest number of UN peace keepers. Put the two (UN troops and COE) together. Which one do you think we need. CoE inner Peacebuilding through Spiritual Activism is as desired and as essential to communities and countries as external Peacekeeping by UN Troops, perhaps more so. Both seem desperately necessary in today's world, as is humanitarian giving, but COE offers something not offered or available much of anywhere else. THINK ON THIS THING."
The Spiritual Meaning of the Financial Crisis

Saskia Troy is a young business economist, philosopher and spiritual activist that aims to reclaim the philanthropic basis of capitalism. She has been dedicated to developing education and training for learning about sustainable system dynamics within economics. Currently, as the Chapter Leader of Children of the Earth Netherlands she intends to focus on the teaching of sustainability within the Dutch educational system. Follow the link to learn more of her thoughts on the current state of economic affairs.
UAE Chapter Leader Attends First World Energy Forum in Dubai

The World Energy Forum 2012 took place at the Dubai International Convention and Exhibition Centre in Dubai, United Arab Emirates- 22nd -24th October 2012. Chapter leader, Simran reports that the conference was focused on energy conservation and energy reduction.
African Youth Conference in Nairobi, Kenya, on UN Millennium Development Goals
Putting Young People at the Heart of Regional Development
Anticipated Outcome: release of an African Youth Declaration for Post-2015 Agenda and a strategy for participation.
COE Nakuru Chapter Leader, Deborah Ikaroot, participated along with Patrick Maluki, professor at University of Nairobi, who works with Deborah on peace programs with a focus on education and assistance for girls, and COE Ambassador Ntiokam Divine.
Box Appeal Charity Drive in UAE
Every year, the Radisson Group of Hotels in the UAE, conducts an unique campaign to help the underprivileged labourers/construction workers through their campaign titled
"BOX APPEAL". The idea is quite simple - residents are urged to fill up a box provided by the hotel with daily use items, toiletries & personal care items for the labourers, most of whom cannot afford to buy them.
NOTICE to COE Basecamp Users:
If you are already a user, but can't access COE Basecamp Projects, it may be because our account has been converted to the new version. Try using this link: and choose "new." If you are not already a user but would like to be invited, send Marg some info, affirming your interest in furthering "the love, unity and harmony which exist in Peace."