Ntiokam Divine

1. What is your Name?
Ntiokam Divine
2. What is your date of birth?
3. How do you define spirituality?
It is the act of feeling for Humanity coupled with the fear of the Lord.
4. How do you explore your own spirituality?
By sharing my daily feelings and conceptions with close friends and relatives.
5. What qualities would you expect an Ambassador to have? How would you fulfill these expectations?
To be loyal and humble and it's a lifelong position.
6. Do you have experience planning events and/or workshops? If so please share your experiences.
Yes, I have organized several events nationaly and internationaly to empower young people towards enhancing the achievments of MDGs by 2015.
7. Where are you located?
Originally from Cameroon.
8. In a brief paragraph please share how you make a difference.
My input in youth development programs has really and is still enriching / empowering the current and future generations. Currently involved in Sustainable Development to contribute to a positive Y-Generation.