Nana Wai

As a granddaughter I grew to know my mother as a Nana Wai, a strong and Independent woman. She always worked hard, had her own car and home, and walked her own path. Her busy lifestyle has not changed since I was a child and today she is still as active as ever.
Watching and being a part of her journey has been a wonderful and motivating experience. As Nana Wai travels the world healing and teaching hundreds to live happy and healthy lives, it inspires me to believe that with love and determination in your heart, you can achieve anything you put your mind to.
Her self belief and courage is personified by her every word and action, strengthening my own self belief. Her wisdoms taught and not told, have allowed me to find my own answers and to seek understanding in my own thoughts, developing and growing my inner confidence.
She has given me opportunities to learn by supporting me through Workshops and wananga, and has also given me space and freedom in her Workshops to teach and gain experience, encouraging me to trust in myself.
Her love and support in me is a reflection of how she feels about all children of this world. Her dedication to her work is a sacrifice she makes from time with her Family, but we are all there with her. We stand at her side and support her amazing kaupapa of teaching to give with love and learning that the future of our world lies in the fragile Hands of our children. It is to us now today, to care and teach our children to love with no Limits and believe with no boundries.
"I am very interested in the future of our world and strongly believes that our investment in the international universal future is in our young people the rangatahi the potiki then the adult. Expose our young to what they can do to bring about universal peace externally and internally."
- Nana Wai
Kuia, Matekite, Kaiako, Kaumatua
Grandmother, See'er, Teacher, Elder
Grandmother to many and mother of four, born and raised in Aotearoa (New Zealand), Te Wai Matao is of Te Ati Awa, Ngati Raukawa, Te Whanau a Apanui and Te Atihaunui a Paparangi descent, of the Great Migrational Waka from the Maori Ancestral home lands of Hawai'ki.
Spiritual leader and teacher, Te Wai Matao is involved in the traditional teachings and learnings of the spiritual and natural world for over the past 40 years. She encompasses and develops these philosophical aspects in her teachings to educate and support people through the ways of healing, understanding and empowerment.
Her work has taken her all over the world, connecting with diverse cultures and working with many other spiritual leaders and motivational speakers. Her international study programs have been running over the last 20 years, attracting students from all walks of life, multiple professions and varying social backgrounds. Her teachings spread over a wide spectrum of transformation and enlightenment, guiding and helping those who seek to find inner peace, self motivation and well being.