Children of the Earth - September 2015

Elizabeth Khosravi

Elizabeth Khosravi is a senior in South Burlington high school. For the last two years, she studied abroad in the foothills of the Himalayas in India. Elizabeth is the COE Vermont leader. She will be going to the United Nations IDP meeting and the World Parliament of Regions Leaders.
Brother Sean Bradley Reads PEACE, PEACE, PEACE and forever.




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One Peaceful Africa T-Shirt

The OPA T-Shirt Project is a collaboration of the hearts and minds of the children of Africa generating funds to support the efforts on the ground in Liberia, Nigeria and beyond. While many aid initiatives are driven by the outside international community, this OPA project is coming directly from the people living on the continent and the purchase of a One Peaceful Africa T-Shirt supports the the children of Africa, directly. 


Your Donation Supports One Peaceful Africa Projects






This is a critical time in our world. Our youth require our support more than ever before to inspire them in taking action towards the future that they are destined to create. Your contribution will assist us to continue our work with youth leaders all over the world to inspire and equip them to live meaningful lives by assisting to become social change agent and spiritual activists.


We recently added the ability for you to sign up to make a recurring donation to COE. Pledge your monthly support!


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Join the Celebration!
You are invited to celebrate the great work Children of the Earth has done for the past 20 years... Learn our current projects.... Honor our local supporters with heartfelt gratitude and tell Vermonters our hopes to make Burlington our International Headquarters.
We hope you will come and generously support our projects around the world and... help us in bringing COE home to Burlington.
Sunday, September 27th, 2015
Marriott Courtyard Burlington Harbor
25 Cherry Street, Burlington, VT 05401
The Harbor Room - 4PM to 7PM
Inspirational Concert
with Seun Kuti and Freewingz

Cash Bar and Snacks - Video presentation
Concert - Awards

Donation requested of $20 at the door. 
In 2013, I took a challenge to study abroad in the foothills of the Himalayas in India. Within weeks of arriving, all I heard were stories about the worst monsoon flooding in Indian history that occurred just a couple weeks before school started. Its effect on surrounding villages was tremendous and everyone was trying their best as a community to support the most affected people. Many villages were wiped out, people were missing, and there were many more homeless and hopeless people. The whole situation made me realize how fortunate I am and the desire of being involved couldn't go away. So I started a project, Two Worlds Coming Together.

 Children's Stories of the Nepal Earthquake



A collection of stories from children affected by the Nepal earthquake.



Nina spoke during the Learning & Education sector on The Youth Movement: Inner Revolution for Social Evolution at the Building the New World Conference
The Building the New World conference ("BTNW") was an astounding success! Nina attended the conference which took place May 28 - 31, 2015 at Radford University in Virginia. 
Nina Meyerhof, Elizabeth Khosravi, Princess Ogechi Ukaga, Jennifer (McCollum) Thornquest, Luc Logan and Jimmy Lama will present the workshop. The workshop will facilitate constructive intercultural dialogue by guiding participants through a series of games and exercises that encourage them to ask what it means to be human, what values we share, and what shared commitments we can make to preserve the things that we value.
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