13 Indigenous Grandmothers in Vermont

In collaboration with the Vermont Council of all Beings, Children of the Earth will host an empowering and enriching workshop with the 13 Indigenous Grandmothers on Thursday,
June 2, 2011, 3:30 PM -5:00 PM, at the Vermont College of Fine Arts. This workshop is part of a Whole event that has invited all People and all Beings to join in a month long celebration of sustainability, renewal and empowerment---an event being initiated by the 13 Indigenous Grandmothers in the beginning of June 2011.
Youth will have an opportunity to participate in a workshop with 3 of the 13 Indigenous Grandmothers. With the guidance and inspiration of the Grandmothers, youth participants will be invited to meet again with their peers and complete a project in the weeks that follow. This youth-led creation will then be presented to the Council of All Beings at the State House on June 20, 2011. This process will be facilitated by young adult volunteers from Children of the Earth; more information will be available during the workshop.
This event is ushering in a momentum that will affect generations to come and we need Youth to be present in this very special Moment. This workshop has been created so that Youth may have a space where their Voice is recognized and heard. The Youth will lead this workshop by perhaps simply offering their wisdom and guidance of what a sustainable, peaceful Earth looks like to them and the steps they believe we all need to take to get there. Through dialouge and enganging activities, the Youth and the Grandmothers will weave a thread that can heal the intergenerational gap and reclaim the Voice of the Youth at the State Capital.
To register or learn more about this event for the Youth, please e-mail Ashley Portman or call at 802.279.4082. To register for this event as an adult, please go directly to the Council of All Beings website.