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July 28, 2011
Beginning the TREK to the Middle East to Learn and Serve. Our Journey to Jordan----- Children of the Earth dedicates itself to youth forming a movement for positive change and becoming the voice of evolving conscious unity of humanity. Children of the Earth Board members, Diane DeTerra and Patrick McCollum and I (Nina Meyerhof ) travelled to Jordan to lead a workshop with Common Bond Institute on Transforming Conflict: Sharing tools for Cross-Cultural Dialogue. Our workshops addressed Youth as...
July 28, 2011
Children of the Earth's Nina Meyerhof, Karoline Buys and Emina Burak will be attending the "Searching for Answers and Wisdom in a Post-9/11 World: Arthur Miller in a Public Conversation with the Wisdom Thinkers Network" conference in NY on September 8, 2011. On 9/11 everything changed. Or did it? Immediately following the attacks, Americans seemingly came together, conversations were more civil and religious institutions saw their attendance rise. But within months, we were back to “normal,”...
July 21, 2011
The National Peace Academy offered its first Peacebuilding Peacelearning Intensive 2011 from July 17-23 at Champlain College in Burlington, VT.The National Peace Academy's Peacebuilding Peacelearning Intensive (PPI) was a one-week learning program for people who wish to create significant, meaningful and sustainable change in their communities.  NinA Meyerhof, Founder and President of Children of the Earth facilitated a breakout session at PPI. Americans are experiencing a period of change...
June 29, 2011
Recently, our Chapter Leader in Sukkur Pakistan, Ashfaque Hussain, visited one of the poorest rural areas of his country with the hope of building schools and providing education to children; boys as well as girls. This area is very remote and not many people or humanitarian organizations are willing to go there as conditions are rustic and sanitation is below standard. Ashfaque’s dedication and commitment to bring “the light of education” to these communities is an example and an inspiration...
June 28, 2011
The Scotland hub has been holding monthly meetings since March. And, in April we had a huge launch with over 30 people attending our celebration. We start each meeting with a meditation of gratitude and appreciation to the Earth and all species, including humans, and our gatherings move forward from this connection-to-the-whole space. At the moment we are focused as a small group of young adults/ youth leaders, intent on developing COE within Scotland, but starting locally in Findhorn and...
June 17, 2011
The trip to Nepal was MONUMENTAL and into the BEYOND. Having traveled the world and been in Nepal for my third visit, I am amazed that this visit had deeper implications than ever imagined. This was a journey through the Bardos into eternity. We were between 12 to 20 youth and adults depending on whom you count and who is not included in the count.  Some of us trekked prior to the Children of the Earth gathering.  My small group climbed 3000 steps into the heights of the Himalayas that is...
June 5, 2011
Beginning with the June 1st opening celebrations followed by two days of workshops, the 13 Indigenous Grandmother’s joined the community of Montpelier, VT, in representing an international partnership of prayer, education and healing for Earth and all Her inhabitants. They brought with them a harmonious message of solidarity, wisdom and reverence for life.   With the dedicated help of COE volunteers, a youth session was designed and facilitated with two of the indigenous Grandmother’s leading...
Educating Youth Togo
May 31, 2011
Samuel Ayivi, Spirit Youth Hub Leader in Togo is sharing with the COE Family the latest news of their activities. With the intention of spreading the vision and mission of COE and the Spirit Hub in Togo, the Hub members are visiting schools, hospitals, shops and churches. Various activities are part of this tour. One school involved COE Togo in a large camp for young people for the Easter holiday in Agou. They participated as instructors during the gathering working through music, sport,...
Free Hug from Sarah
May 31, 2011
Free Hugs (giving hugs unconditionally to people you meet on the street) We always meet on a Saturday morning, somewhere in a big city. We circle in the middle of a public place, surrounded by the busy hasty people; we pray for a good session, for the help from above and then we start. You feel naked, the only thing you have is your board, your open heart, and your smile. Even if the group is there, you are alone. It’s your own challenge to be in the very present, the way you are right now,...
April 11, 2011
In 1994, hundreds of thousands of people were killed in Rwanda in what has become known as the Rwandan Genocide. During the course of 100 days, unspeakable acts of violence were committed against Tutsis and moderate Hutus, under the bewildered and paralyzed eyes of the international community. Neighbor turned against neighbor, destroying lives, property and futures, forcing many people to flee to neighboring countries in order to survive. Causes have been sought, supporting factors have been...


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