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July 14, 2012
I am M.A.D. (Making A Difference) summer campaign for support. You will help enable the I am M.A.D. conduct workshops and bring school supplies to children in the province. Certainly, you will be able to make a difference. This summer, let's get hot and let's get MAD! Support the I am M.A.D. (Making A Difference ) network and wear their statement shirt. For only 300 pesos, you'll get your own shirt and donate to I am M.A.D.'s Batang Iskolar Program. Get to know more about the program by getting...
July 14, 2012
Let the butterfly spread it’s wings and touch your hearts. Love you all so much, COE is a Divine being, we are one with COE and Earth/Universe, All that is in those moments of doubt, let us all know that all is well and WE ARE ACCOMPLISHING OUR DIVINE MISSIONS!!!! May Peace prevail on Earth May Peace be in our homes and countries May our missions be accomplished We thank you guardian deities and guardian spirits OH MY..... THE LOVE THAT FLOWS THROUGH ME IS THE SAME LOVE THAT FLOWS THROUGH...
July 14, 2012
Iulia Tantas from Romania's statement of vision and life purpose. Intention setting in motion the wheels of her story. COE is setting up the first Romania Chapter to make voices like hers sound across borders. Being a child, I got a spyglass as a birthday present from my beloved granny, who always was a model for me, teaching us to live in peace and harmony. Playing with it I discovered that it can take me to a new world, an endless world without limits. There, I could reach the stars and put...
Spiritual Activism Handbook
July 14, 2012
by Jessie Murray, COE Intern, Burlington Vermont On Sunday April 15th, the Vermont Chapter of COE reunited for a workshop focused on exploring the Spiritual Activism Handbook, created by Dr. Nina Meyerhof and Dr. Diane DeTerra. The goal of this workshop was to train our members on how to work with and teach youth about intercultural understanding and spiritual guidance to encourage peace. This training was held in preparation for a group of Chinese students that will come to Vermont next fall...
July 13, 2012
A nation without peace is like a child without a heart. A child will surely die without his or her heart and a nation will also die because it is without peace. Every nation needs peace and unity. There is a proverb which says, “united we stand and divided we fall.” This means, that as a divided nation we cannot stand because every person would want his or her decision to be taken into consideration. This would cause misunderstanding in the nation and would surely lead to war. It will divide...
Kehkashan Basu with Mr. Sha Zukang
June 13, 2012
by Kehkashan Basu I am having the time of my life at Rio+20 and I cannot thank God enough for this. I must have done something good in my past life to have been so blessed.   I am here in Rio as the youngest international delegate. I just came to know that I have been chosen for the United Nations Award Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD ) Award. I will receive this award on World Day to Combat Desertification, which will be celebrated in Rio de Janeiro. I have also been invited to...
June 1, 2012
... by Kehkashan Basu ,COE Hub Leader UAE We are a group of ordinary citizen volunteers who want to alleviate the pain and suffering of the poor laborers in our city, Dubai . Throughout the week we receive donations from our friends – these can be in cash or kind . Normally, we seek donations of food stuff , clothes , toiletries and other articles of daily use . The cash that is received is also utilized to purchase similar articles. We gather every Friday morning , which is the weekend here ....
May 15, 2012
23-30 April 2012 We at COE Togo have spent quality time with the students including Children and Youth and adults as teachers. We have reached over 950 students and are very happy because all the courses and demonstrations on culture and peace and love were well conducted and many students, parents and professors have formed a commitment to safeguard peace and share with others. More than 5 schools have accepted our request to come organize programs for their students, so we ask you. We ask you...
April 9, 2012
Working on education in rural areas of Pakistan is not an easy task for anyone who is interested in motivating people regarding educating their children. The reason is that most of the parents have old mindsets regarding engaging their children in child labor and agriculture work in the fields. Ashfaque, standing outside village in remote and rural area of Thatta district Sindh Pakistan For donating certain places like at least one room for opening of school so that their children get...
Togo Map
April 9, 2012
COE Togo is based in a village named Kouvé. We shared with children and young people here many notions in the following fields: Environmental protection The peacekeeping Love Music We touch more than 25,000 people in our area. Kouvé is a canton of the prefecture of Yoto. For a population of 49,000 inhabitants in 14 districts, Kouvé contains three high schools (two high schools and a modern technical college), four colleges, and 18 primary schools. We have two markets, two medical...


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